Chapter Five

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Ichigo walked into school and was heading towards his classroom, "IC....HI...GOOO!" His name was being yelled as Keigo ran towards him. Ichigo moved out of the way, which caused Keigo to fall face flat.

"Hey Keigo, what are you doing?" Ichigo asked him.

"I came to greet you," Keigo replied and lifted up his head, "she's back?" He muttered.

Ichigo hummed and looked down the corridor he just walked down, "Y/N?" He asked, "what are you doing here?"

Y/N walked towards him, "here for an education, why else would I be in school and be wearing your female school uniform?" She asked and a smile.

"Don't get cocky now you," Ichigo smile and placed his hand on the top of her head, "Kisuke's idea?"

"No, mine," she replied as Ichigo leant down and he placed their foreheads together, "Ichigo?"

"Yeah?" He looked her in the eyes.

"You're embarrassing me a little."

"My plan is a success then."

Ichigo and Y/N started to laugh and the two walked to their classroom. Ichigo was looking at her schedule as they walked, "aren't we lucky? The same again."

"That's probably Kisuke's doing," Y/N said taking it from him.

"Probably," he replied as they walked into class.

Their teacher stood there, "welcome back Miss L/N, your seat is beside Keigo on his right," she told her.

"Y/N over here!" Keigo waved to her with a giant grin on his face.

Y/N walked to Keigo and she sat in her seat she hooked her book bag to the side of her desk. She got out her notebook and pencils, she turned her head to Ichigo and smiled at him.

"You two still together?" Keigo asked attracting Y/N's attention.

"Yes, we talked it over a few nights ago," Y/N told him.

"I'm glad to hear that, he was a little out of it without you," Keigo said.

"It was only a few days..." Y/N said a little nervous.

"Keigo leave her alone, it wasn't her fault," Uryu spoke up from behind them.

"Sorry..." Keigo apologised and looked away from Y/N.


Ichigo walked to Y/N's desk and placed a hand on her shoulder, "ready to go?" He asked and Y/N stood up, "Y/N?"

"Can we go somewhere on our way home?" She asked and Ichigo nodded, "thanks."

"Where are we going then?" Renji asked.

Y/N looked at him, "I don't know... I just know what it looks like..." she replied and walked out with Ichigo first.

Y/N led them out of the school and down different streets. She stopped when she arrived at the cemetery, "the cemetery?" Rukia questioned.

"It's in here..." Y/N muttered.

"What is?" Renji asked.

Y/N doesn't reply to him and walks down the path. It's like she is being led somewhere, like she is being pulled by a piece of string. No matter how much her friends call out to her, she doesn't resigter what they are saying to her. Y/N tool a sharp left and walked around the gravestones till she walked into an older part of the cemetery, "never been in here before," Ichigo said.

"Do you normally wander to cemeteries?" Renji asked him.

"Not really no, I just go see my mum," Ichigo informed him.

Ichigo looked up to see Y/N further away from them, he walked after her at a quick pace, as well as everyong else. Y/N came to a halt, which allowed them all to catch up to her, "What is it?" Orihime asked her and walked forward to stand beside her, "it's a grave..."

"We are in a cemetery Orihime," Chad said.

"We know that Chad," Renji rolled his eyes and looked up. His eyes scanned the headstone, that was larger than them - a family grave.

Y/N stepped and removed the dirt as well as vains from it, "found it..." She whispered, as she continued to remove anything that didn't belong the stone off.

"Found what Y/N?" Rukia asked and flinched when Y/N looked at her.

"My families grave," she told them in a dull tone, almost her tone sounding as if they should have known what they were standing in front of.

"How did you know it was here?"

"I didn't, I just followed a sound," Y/N shrugged, "I should stop doing that..." Y/N rubbed the back of her neck looking at it.

"How do you know it's your families? We can forget everything about our families and such at times... You said you forgot where you came from"

"Well, when I was taken in my the royal family, I received my human memories and then Aizen took most of them away from me in order to make it easier for him to get me," Y/N said and smiled as she traveled over a name Ichigo Mayno.

"Who's that?" Orihime asked, "Ichigo Mayno?" She said and Ichigo's looked over.

"I don't know," Y/N shrugged and walked away from the grave, "I want to bring some flowers here," she announced as she continued to walk away from them all.

"What is it with your girlfriend and walking away from you?" Renji asked looking over to Ichigo.

"I have no idea..." Ichigo sighed.

"She might like the chase you give her," Rukia smiled and followed her, "come on, at least this time she told us what she is planning do, unlike last time."

"Agreed," Uryu said and followed behind them all.

The group of friends went and got a collection of flowers to lay at the grave stone. Y/N wasn't sure why, but, she was drawn to the grave. Sure, it is hers, but, she knew that not many or even any spirits go to their grave. So, why did she? Was there something there that would help her? Something there that she needed back? She didn't know, all she knew is there was something in the grave and untill she found out what it was, she couldn't stop going there.

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