Chapter Twelve

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We walked in silence till the next gate opened, we walked out and a lot of gasped came from behind me. I looked up to see my old home.

I continued to follow the guards while I held Ichigo's hand

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I continued to follow the guards while I held Ichigo's hand. I stayed close to him in case anything went wrong, then I'd know of his situation.

The guards keep looking behind, to me and smile each time. Ichigo leaned down and whispered, "We'll stay beside you till the end," He told me.

"Thank you," I said as we approached the castle.

The guards open the gates and stand aside, "Welcome home," They said.

I walked forward with Ichigo beside me, an elder man stood by the door with an elder woman. The two of them looked at me and gasped, "(Y/N)..." They called out and rushed over to me.

Ichigo pushed me forward a little keeping his hand in mind.

The elder couple pulled me into their arms, I wrapped my arms around them, "Welcome home," They whispered as tears fell from their eyes.

The elder man looked at Ichigo, "Who's this?" He asked and everyone introduced themselves to my father's, "Welcome please come inside," He said and led everyone inside.

I looked around and Ichigo squeezed my hand, "You okay?" He asked and I nodded, "Liar."

"I'm just nervous," I told him looking forward.

"I'm here with you, it'll all be okay," He kissed my head quickly before we walked into the main room.

My parents sat down and we followed behind them, "So, Ichigo... I can see you're close to my daughter," My father said and I blushed releasing his hand, "I didn't mean it in a bad way, but it is an almost forbidden love isn't it?"

"We know it is Sir," Ichigo bowed his head, "But, I couldn't be happier," He looked at me with a smile.

"That's the main thing isn't it, darling," My mother said with a smile, "We're happy you're home and that you have found love darling," She said addressing me.

"T...Thank you," I said with a smile, "Forgive me, I'm very nervous about being here."

"It's understandable sweetheart," My mother said and walked over to me then sat in front of me, "Let me look at you," She said as she put her hands on my cheeks with a smile.

I sat there as she looked at my face, focusing on every detail as if she'd never get the chance to do so again. She smiled, "No change, I'm so happy you're okay, sweetheart," She hugged me again lightly.

"Thank you mother," I said and wrapped my arms around her gently.

"Are you staying with us?" My father asked and I released my mother.

I looked at Ichigo who seemed shocked and looked at me with a smile. He didn't want me to stay and I knew that. My parents didn't want me to go, I knew that as well. The only thing I didn't know was what I actually wanted myself.

I sat there silent and Rukia spoke up, "Why not let Lady (Y/N), decide where she wants to be as I believe she's confused in what she's wanting for herself at the moment," She said the gasped bowed her head, "Forgive me for speaking out of tone."

"It's okay Miss Rukia," My mother said with a smile, "I understand," She added and looked at me with a smile, "Whichever you chose, is fine with us as long as we know you are safe and happy that's all we care about."

I smiled and thought for a moment, "I think... I'll stay for a while to get to know what my life used to be," I said and looked at Ichigo, "But I'll visit, a lot."

"That makes us happy (Y/N)," My father said and looked at Ichigo, "Whenever she wants, she will be with you," He told him.

"Thank you, guess we'll take our leave then," Ichigo stood up and I grabbed his hand. He looked down, "(Y/N)?"

"Are you angry with me?" I asked and he knelt down.

"Of course not, I just know that the longer I'm here the harder it'll be to leave and it'll be harder for you to say goodbye to me," He smiled and tucked some hair behind my ear.

"Ichigo..." I whispered and tears formed in my eyes.

Ichigo pulled me closer and kissed my lips gently with a smile, "Promise me, we will see each other."

"I can't bare to be away from you too long," I giggled and hugged him sitting on his lap.

After an hour of talking with my friends, I stood by my parents saying goodbye to them.

As Ichigo waved and turned his back, I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, "I love you," I whispered.

Ichigo put his hands on mine, "I love you too and make sure you visit or I'll come here and drag your behind back with me," He turned around in my arms, taking me in his and kissed me softly.

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