Chapter Seven

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Y/N laid N her bed asleep curled up in a ball.

Y/N's dream:

Y/N turned onto her front and slowly sat up onto her knees, she looked over to her window to see a bright blue sky along with many, many roofs. There was a knock on the door, "Milady, it's time to wake up," a high pitched female voice said from outside her room.

"I'm awake Wendy," Y/N said and got out of her bed as Wendy walked in.

Wendy, her hair was blonde, bright blueneues, petite height and form, very polite posture. She walked to Y/N and began to help her get into her pink kimono with roses on.

"Breakfast is ready, whenever you are ready," Wendy said to her.

Y/N walked to a table with a mirror, "thank you Wendy, you're dismissed," Y/N said as she began to braid her hair and Wendy bowed before she left the room.

"Good morning princess," a deep voice came from the window and Y/N looked over.

"Kurosaki..." She said turning her body to him, "what can I do for you this early morning?"

"It's the day your zanpakuto is revealed to you once again," he smiled at her.

"Medusa?" Y/N said and her eyes lit up with a bright smile.

"Yes, Medusa," Isshin nodded, "she may have passed their test."

Y/N nodded and left her room in a hurry to the dining room.

"She will never change," Isshin chuckled.

Y/N ate her breakfast then met Isshin at the front doors. They walked to a large building and headed inside, "Princess, welcome," a small woman said, "Medusa's fate is finally being decided."

Isshin and Y/N walked to a barrier, they saw Medusa in her true form. She looked to Y/N and gave her a small nervous smile.

"Zanpakuto Medusa, you are here to receive the results of the test many zanpakutos have taken before you. As your master witnesses, do you wish to continue serving her?" A man said.

"I wish so," Medusa nodded and looked at Y/N with a bigger smile.

"Very good," the man nodded and looked through the test results, "you've failed 4 tasks."

Upon hearing that, Y/N grabbed Isshin's hand, "sorry, just for a little while," she whispered to him.

"Alright Y/N," Isshin nodded and allowed her to hold his hand.

"Hmm... It appears that you have also passed 10 of the tasks... I am concerned about one task... How you'd encourage the Princess in a battle in you zanpakuto standard form... You said with hisses," the man said frowning looking at her, "what do you mean?"

"The Princess can understand my snakes, due to our connection. There was a threat when she was apart for Squad One where a zanpakuto could figure out a zanpakutos and a soul reapers strategy. Milady heard a snake whispering to me and said that it wouldn't work. In a fight or anything I would communicate with her mainly through my snakes so no one can figure out what we are going to do... But... If anothers zanpakuto is a snake as well, then we'd figure it out with code. Like we did before I figured she was able to understand the snakes," Medusa explained.

"Is that true Princess?" The man turned to Y/N.

"Yes it is," Y/N nodded, "and it's worked, with code talk as well."

"So, you've passed 11 and failed 3..." He read over the results a few more times, "I hereby announce that the zanpakuto, Medusa, will be..." He started and stopped then looked at Medusa who gulped, "the zanpakuto to Princess Y/N for eternity."

Y/N released a heavy sigh and approached Medusa, the two hugged, "thank god," Y/N whispered.

"Did you ever doubt I'd be yours for a while longer?" Medusa asked with a smile.

"I never doubted it for a minute, come on, let's go home Medusa," Y/N said and the two left with Isshin.

Out of dream:

Y/N stirred and turned onto her front slowly sitting up then looked out the window, "I knew Isshin?" She questioned.

"You knew a lot of people," Keisuke's voice came from the door, "I apologise, you were muttering and I got a little worried."

"It's okay," Y/N smiled, "guessing I knew you?"

"Of course you did, you enjoyed sitting and watching me in the lab... You came out with a load of questions that I sometimes wasn't able to answer."

"Keisuke with no answers? Now, that's a first," Y/N giggled.

"Yes, yes. I can be a know it all," he rolled his eyes, "come on breakfast is ready and Mil and Lil are making everyone wait for you," he said before walking away.

Y/N smiled and got a blank notepad, she wrote down the dream she had, "maybe actually making a memory book wouldn't be a bad idea after all..." She sighed and looked out the window with a smile, "for eternity..."

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