Chapter Three

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The two looked at each other in disbelief that the other was actually in front of them. Y/N looks at Medusa, "you..." She muttered.

Medusa smiled a little, "Hi..." She said awkwardly and approached her, "how have you been?"

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry," Y/N said and nearly broke into tears.

"It's okay, you have no need to apologise, it was not you're fault," Medusa smiled and took Y/N's hand, "Let's go back to the world of the living."

Y/N smiled, "I want to, trust me, but..." She said then sighed, "I can't promise I won't be tracked down and dragged back..."

"We'll just bring you back, each time," Renji perks up.

"Let's go Y/N," Rukia said.

Y/N nodded, "okay but I have to see something first" she said then walked back to her room with the soul reapers following her.

She opened her double doors into her room and walked in, "Mil, Lil..." She called out and the two arrancars look at her.

They look at the soul reapers, "Miss Y/N do we need to contact Lord Aizen?" Lil asked.

"It's fine, they kept me sane while I was away... they are friends," Y/N said.

"Friends?" Mil asked and Y/N nodded, "does that make them ours too?"

"That's a possibilities," Uryu said pushing his glasses up his nose more.

Ichigo walked to Y/N and placed his hand on her hip then lowered his head to her ear, "we'll wait so you can say goodbye," he whispered.

"I don't want to..." She replied.

"If they are kind they can come too," Ichigo suggested.

Y/N nodded, "we don't mind being left behind, not like we can't handle it," Lil said.

"We promise we won't tell," Mil said.

"I want you both too," Y/N said, "come home with me."

Mil and Lil looked at each other then ran to Y/N and hugged her, "we'll follow you!" They said in unison and Y/N hugged back with a smile.

"Now that's settled, let's go back," Rukia said and looked at Medusa, "can you get us back?"

"Errr...." Medusa gave Rukia a nervous smile.

"Y/N!" A dull voice yelled and everyone looked over to see Grimmjow.

Ichigo stepped forward but Y/N placed her hand in front of him to stop him going, "Y/N?"

Y/N walked forward, placing her hand over her back and gripped air, but, in the form that she was holding a zanpakuto. Medusa's eyes widen, "create a stone wall... MEDUSA!" She say and suddenly Medusa was gone and a zanpakuto was in her hand. Y/N spun her arm around and created a stone wall between them and Grimmjow.

"You use a soul reapers zanpakuto in an arrancar form..." Orihime commented.

"She wasn't a princess of nothing Orihime," Renji said.

Y/N released Medusa and smiled at her. She looked the air and a gate opened, "Let's go," she said and they all walked through appearing back at Kisuke's underground training room.

"Well, that didn't take you long," Kisuke commented sat on a rock, "Welcome back Y/N, it's only been 24 hours."

Y/N shrugged, "meh," she said and looked around then flash stepped away upstairs and outside.

Ichigo followed her worried, "Y/N?" He called out stood behind her.

"I was told to kill you all," she admitted, "if my past wasn't awakening I would do it in a heart beat. It's so beautiful to have an actually sky."

Ichigo walked to her, "I know it is and now it's awakening, what do you want to do?" He asked with a smile looking at the sky.

She looked at him, "I want us to start again," she said with a smile, "and have a proper relationship, also I want to see my family."

Ichigo flinched and looked at her shocked a little, "You still want us?" He questioned.

"Well, yeah. I do," Y/N replied with a smile brighter than before.

Ichigo wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close causing her to place her hands on his shoulders, "that would make me very happy, these 24 hours have been a nightmare."

"If 24hours is a nightmare to you, I wonder what a week would be," she giggled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Utter hell," he nodded his head with satification and smiled.

Y/N leaned up, their noses brush together and their lips centimetres apart, "Y/N! Ichigo!" Rukia called out and they both looked over, "stop being lovey dovey and come eat, Kisuke has cooked for us," she said and walked inside.

Ichigo and Y/N look at each other, "Let's go," Ichigo said and Y/N nodded her head. They held hands and walked into the shop to the back room where everyone was.

"I heard you used your old zanpakuto... impressive," Kisuke said.

"I didn't know what I was doing..." Y/N said, "it was"

"Your instinct," an older croakier voice said and they all look to the window to see Head Captain Yamato, or a vision of him, "I've been wondering why Medusa never returned to us after your betrayal then we felt your old spiritual pressure... You're turning back"

"Impossible," Kisuke muttered.

"She was chosen to be a soul reapers she was experimented on to be an arrancar," Yamato clarified.

"So I can be a soul reaper again?" Y/N asked.

"Possibly, if you choose the right path." Yamato said and the vision disappeared.

"Confusing," Mil commented.

"Very..." Lil answered, both sat behind Y/N with Medusa in the middle of them.

"Let's find those right paths then shall we Y/N?" Rukia suggested and everyone agreed instantly.

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