Chapter 3

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"get up we late for school" my sister Riley said

I groan and get up heading into the bathroom starting my shower I blast my music and start my morning routine.

"LEGEND HURRY UP" my mom yelled

I sucked my teeth and turned my shower off I quickly dried off and got dressed my sister began banging on the door

I swing the door open "I'm fucking coming damn" I said

She rolled her eyes and ran downstairs I grabbed my phone and jogged to the car

"finally yo ass be taking forever just to get ready," my mom said

"foreal take longer than me and I'm a girl," Riley said

I looked over at her she had a crop too on I took my jacket off giving it to her she looked at me like I was crazy

" I ain't playing put it on no one told you to wear a crop top," I said

She sucked her teeth and put it on, we pulled up to the school and me and Riley hopped out the car going  our separate ways

I saw my boys and they all yelled my name as I walked over

"ayy my boy got a fresh cut and think he the shit," Milo said making the guys laugh

"shut you bitch ass up I could take yo bitch without the cut to " I said making him mug

Me, I chuckled as we continued walking I bumped into someone making them drop their books

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking," she said nervously

"you good your Mia right," I said making her lookup

"yeah we met at the park," she said

Holding her books milo slapped them out her hand

"Oops sorry," he said in a baby voice and began laughing

When she looked up I saw a tear slip down but she quickly wiped it grabbing  her stuff she scurried away

I push milo "your such an ass," I said before running after her

I finally caught up and grabbed her arm making her look towards me I saw more tears form as she looked down

I lifted her head "I'm sorry about him he's a jerk" I said

She shook her head " it whatever I'm used to it" she said

Turning around I grabbed her "are you ok," I said

She wiped her tears and looked up "yup perfect I gotta go" she said

Getting out of my grip and walking away I sighed and made my way to class also
I inhaled and let it go making the smoke go out my nose I felt my body relax and all my thoughts

Fadeaway until my mother came in the room I quickly blew out the smoke and put it under me

" didn't I tell yo ass to stop smoking that weed in my house," she said

"You stay on my dick" I mumbled

"legend don't make me call your damn father," she said

I sucked my teeth "ok ma " I said

"you know what I ain't even gon say nothing I'm going out so watch your sister while I'm gone," she said

"omg bro she can't just go with dad," I said

"your father is going out too so no she can't go with dad," she said and left the room without closing the door

"oohhh she fucking urk my nerves," I said while punching the pillow

I stopped when I saw my sister by the door cracking up

"you mad as hell you gotta watch me okurrr," she said sticking her tongue out

I got up slamming the door in her face and locking it, I decided maybe I should text Mia

Convo starts
Me: hey what you doing next week

Mia🤤: nothing I'm not allowed to leave the house

Me: lol cause you a baby

Mia🤤: I'm 15, not 5

Me: exactly a baby

Mia🤤: whatever you like two years older so that means you a baby also

Me: trust me, princes, I'm not a baby

I chuckled when she left me on Read, I laid my phone down and got comfortable in my covers and fell asleep..

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