C H 1 0 L i ch t

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picture on the side does not belong to me. it's what charles drew but i don't know the real artist's name


Charles was twitching in his bed, his eyebrows creased and his breathing hitched. Behind his closed eyes, his fears spiraled into never-ending darkness and haunting imagery. Lizzy's lifeless orbs, her skin painted in savage scarlet. The fire roaring and screeching with hungry flames, circling his sister like an impatient predator. Charles tried to run forward, but something held her back. A black hole was engulfing her entire being. Her voice didn't work, she was being suffocated. She desperately fought against the opposing force but it only speeded up its feast. The fire engulfed her sister and a voice so spine chilling and wicked whispered into her ear.

You belong in the shadows.

Charles took in a deep breath before the darkness swallowed her whole. She swam up to where a light was shining and the whole world tipped on its side. She was running out of air and a wall of ice separated her from the surface. She pounded on it, she saw gray eyes staring back at her. She let out a breath as she took in the sight of Levi standing on the other side. She cried out to him, but he didn't move. He just stood there, watching.

Have you found a new light?

She shivered as velvety smooth skin caressed the bottom of her chin to lift her face up. She was beholding a mass of malevolent, cold light. She tried to cringe away but it held her so close, so possessively, that she couldn't move an inch away.

Is his as strong as mine? It asked vehemently.

Charles couldn't tear her gaze away from the embodiment of evil. Her heart was beating a song of terror.

Won't you come back? My shadow.

It suddenly hissed and Charles felt a grasp on her wrist. She whipped her head around to see Levi's arm reaching through the ice, his eyes blazing. He pulled her away.


Charles saw the blurry image of a face above him, two more were hanging around back. Somebody was shaking his shoulders, trying to break him out of his revere.

"Charles! Are you okay?"

Farlan's voice...

"Y-yeah..." Charles answered without thinking.

His eyes finally focused and he saw Levi. The black haired man let go of his shoulders, but never looked away. Charles could only see the concern in his expression because of many years of living with him. If it had been anyone else looking in at the scene, they would've wondered why the man looked so annoyed. Granted, he was as annoyed as he was worried.

"You're crying," Levi deadpanned.

Charles felt a drop of wetness and he stared at the tears accumulating on his hand. He quickly dried his eyes.

Farlan shifted uneasily on his spot and Levi was oblivious to what he should do in this situation. They'd never seen the boy cry before, none of them did that often. So, they were practically baffled at how they should react. Thankfully, the one person in their group that was never bothered by awkward situations (or perhaps was too dense to discern them) took action.

Isabel grabbed Charles' hand and pulled him along with her. Charles, still a bit dazed, obediently stumbled after. She led him away from the other boys and out the back door of the house. She had to direct Charles to a barrel and push him down to make him sit. She pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to him. Charles accepted it, but instead of using it, ogled at it with vacant eyes.

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now