C H 1 A R r i V a l

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Attack on Titan and its plot do not belong to me. Artwork for cover is also not mine. only Charlotte belongs to me and any fanart i may produce.


The woman gasped. The air tasted foul and the clouds were restless. The wind was stale. Her horse sniggered and scuffed the earth below him and she patted his neck comfortingly. The woman's skin was ghostly pale and her eyes a vibrant green. Worn but clean clothes hung on her skinny frame/ eyes darted around the area and she clenched on the dilapidated leather reins. Breathing steadily, she fixed her gaze on the wall miles in front of her.

"Almost there," she mumbled. Her horse trotted nervously. "Shh, Cher Ami."

The wall had a huge gaping hole and the woman's eyes honed in on it. It was still there. Blood. Blood had been spilled. Although retreating, its metallic scent was still overpowering and holding strong.

"Che," the woman said in sudden irritation. "Hya!"

The crack of the reins sent the horse flying. Dark brown hair fanned behind and the woman quickly tied a cloth around her head to keep it out of her eyes. Her maneuver gear thudded against her sides.

"It's not going to last long around here," she whispered, biting her lip. "Where are you? You disgusting creatures."

The earth began shaking with large footsteps, more joining as the seconds passed.

"Heh," the woman's mouth curled into a smirk. "Bring it."

She steadied herself and put the bottom of her feet on the saddle, before she stood she leaned into the horse's ear. "You know what to do."

The first one appeared, as grotesque as she remembered. Large teeth and blank eyes, red skin and disproportional limbs. It looked at her and for a second stared, then, as if losing interest, it started to walk away again. Grappling hooks attacked its back and with the sound of wires running, the gas whizzed and the woman flew into the air.

Spinning in the air, a section of flesh dislocated from the Titan's neck and the giant fell to the ground.

The woman smiled in pleasure and landed lightly on her feet. "And down you go."


"What?!" Levi's hands slapped onto the surface of the table. "Charles is back?!"

"Huh?" Eren said, looking between his Captain's face to the soldier who came to give them news. "Who's Charles?"

"Where?!" Levi said, completely ignoring him and reaching for his maneuver gear.

"Last we saw of the Captain, was outside Wall Maria," the soldier answered.

Levi's last belt secured on and he was already out the door.

"Fast!" Eren said, taken aback.

"Oh, right," the soldier said. "You new recruits haven't met Captain Charles, yet."

"Why is he outside? And why's Levi-heichou acting like that?"

"The Captain's been living outside the wall for 6 years."

"Eh?!" Eren said, eyes enlarging. "That's... that's not possible."

"Not for her."



"Charles is back?!" Hanji said, a bright smile spreading on her face.

"Y-yes..." the young soldier said, overwhelmed at her disgruntled state.

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now