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Charles entered the room. It was filled to the brim with Military Police armed with guns and solemn faced aristocracy members. She took a sweeping intake of the room and her attention was completely on Erwin, who was sitting at one end of the long table. She started towards him.

"Why didn't you ask for the Military Police's cooperation?" a judge asked, sitting at the head of the table.

"District Chief, we didn't want to risk the Female Titan's associates to be informed of our movements," Erwin answered. "To ensure the success of this gravely important mission only those whose innocence could be proven were to participate."

Charles snorted. It's been awhile since she's heard Erwin speak like that. It still impressed her how convincing he sounded. Like every word that came out of his mouth was scripture and you can't help but believe them. She glanced at the District Chief. He didn't look impressed. She guessed the destruction was too great for Erwin's pretty words to make up for it.

"Erwin," Charles whispered into his ear.

The only visible sign that he'd heard her was a twitch in his mouth. His eyes were still on the District Chief but his attention was held by Charles.

"A titan was discovered inside the wall," she began.

She saw the question in his expression and she hurried to clarify.

"It looked like the wall was built around the titan. We're still unsure whether there are more in the entire length of it, but it's probable."

"The plan was to deal with her without causing damage to the surroundings, but unfortunately, it did not turn out the way we expected, and property and priceless lives of the citizens were lost. Our lack of ability was the cause, for which I profoundly apologize," Erwin answered the Chief's question without any momentary lapse.

Charles waited for him to finish, used to Erwin's implausible ability to multi-task.

"On the other hand, though, if we had let her escape and the wall had been destroyed by her accomplices the resulting damage would have been many magnitudes greater. That frightening perspective was also one of the reasons why of the two evils we chose the least and acted," Erwin finished.

"We aren't in immediate vulnerability," Charles said quickly. "Hanji told me to inform you. What do you want to do?"

"At present, she remains in our custody deep underground," Erwin tended to the Chief's concerns once again. "Since her whole body is covered in particularly hard crystal, it is impossible to question her for information."

The door opened and Hanji entered. She inclined her head in greeting and joined Erwin's side. Charles entered her line of vision after a few seconds and Hanji nodded.

"In other words..." there was a threatening and grim look on the Chief's face. "All in vain?"

"No, I do not think so. In my view..."

Erwin's voice faded as Charles stood on her tippy toes to whisper to Hanji.

"How did the questioning of the pastor go?" she asked.

Hanji's hand jerked and Charles put out her own hand. Hanji flipped it over and wrote on her palm, trying to remain indiscrete to Charles' presence for the sake of having backup if anything were to go wrong.

He wouldn't break. Even when I held him over the wall.

"Pity," Charles frowned. "Do we need to arrange a funeral?"

Hanji's lips formed a smirk, earning weird looks from the people in the room.

No, I didn't drop him.

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now