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Isabel squinted her eyes at the dark corner of the room, trying to discern the boy that Levi said was sulking there. When she took a step closer, her eyes finally adjusted and she tilted her head.

“Hey, Charles,” she squatted down to his level. “Why do you look so scary?”

Because Charlotte did look menacingly frightening. She had her knees folded up and her arms wrapped around them. Her brilliant green eyes stared blankly ahead, the life fading out of them. Blood was dried on her hands as well as the knees of her pants. Her skin was ghostly pale, drained of any life.

“Come over here and eat,” Isabel coaxed. “It’s curry~”

Charles stared ahead, unfeeling, an empty vessel.

Isabel pouted. “Charles… Charles… Wake up…”

“Leave him alone, Isabel,” Farlan said at the table. “He’s broken.”

“Don’t talk like he’s some toy!” Isabel pointed at Farlan, shaming him.

 Farlan didn’t look impressed as he spooned another bite of curry into his mouth. “What’s the point in having him around if he can’t work?”

“He can help in some way!”

“Like what,” Farlan inquired disinterestedly. “Look at him Isabel. He’s been unhinged and I doubt anything can fix him at this point.”

Isabel gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, unable to retort.

They heard somebody descending the stairs from above and saw Levi had shown himself. He had a book in one hand and a bag in another. Without a word to the others, he walked over to Charles and dropped the bag at his feet. Charles’ eyes dully fixated on it.

“I managed to retrieve this from the rubble,” he said plainly. “It has some money to get you by and I’m sure you can handle getting food whenever it runs out. So, get your fucking, useless being out of this house. You’re intruding on our time and space.”

“Levi onii-sama!” Isabel shouted in shock.

Charles shifted a bit and grabbed his bag. He got to his feet and headed to the exit. Isabel rushed forward and kept herself between him and the door, arms and legs spread out defiantly.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Isabel snarled.

“Isabel,” Farlan said warningly.

Charles gazed vacantly at her stomach, not bothering to say or do anything.

“What’s the matter with you two?!” Isabel demanded of her friends. “We’re the ones that asked him to join us and now you’re going to cast him aside just because he’s depressed?!”

Levi gave her an emotionless stare and Isabel kept eye contact in pure pigheadedness. Levi turned to Charles.

“What are you thinking about right now?”

Charles’ eyes moved slowly to look at him. “You should’ve left me to burn.”

Isabel faltered at his words. Charles exhaled softly and pushed passed her and out the door. Isabel stared at the wood that separated them from the boy that just left.

“Where is he going, Levi?” Farlan asked as the man in question sat down on the other side of the table.

Levi placed the book on the surface and lifted a cup of water to his lips. “Take a wild guess.”

Farlan’s eyes wandered to the book and he picked it up. Flipping to the third page he scanned the title and the author.

“Flucht, By Lizzy Everheart,” Farlan muttered under his breath. He turned the page and he skimmed the words, his eyes widening in wonder and astonishment. “This…!”

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now