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Charlotte had her eyes open. They were open but they were unseeing and dull. Slowly, the pain intensified, her throbbing head almost unbearable. She slid her arm down and pushed herself up, her left completely spent. It was darker, which meant night had crept in. The pool of blood at her head had soaked her hair and some more spilled from her mouth in torrents. Gradually getting onto her feet, she tried to fight against the blinding moments as every movement she made tried to pull her back into darkness.

Staggering over to a wall, she leaned against it, keeping her broken arm pinned to her side. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to calm herself. She gritted her teeth.

"Bastards," she growled, a dangerous aura igniting.

The thugs in the vicinity scrambled into their shelter as they felt the bloodlust and hostility multiplying with every second. Charles ripped a part of her shirt and tied it roughly around her head, keeping the hair back as well as suppressing the head wound.

She got to her feet and walked, almost too gracefully for someone who might have a minor concussion.

"Kenny... huh...?" a mad smirk pulled at Charles' lips. "Guess today is the day I die."


Kenny and the three kids he's been raising lived in a small shack in the far corners of the underground. He's a man on a completely different level and as such, raised the kids like demon's spawn. There was an unspoken rule that everyone was aware of. Don't mess with the infamous serial killers and you won't end up dead in a pool of your own blood.

The military police never manages to get close to capturing them, but on the other hand, who would dare lay a finger?

Now, the little ruin of a shack was surrounded by thugs keeping the perimeter. Their boss trapped in the confined building with the infamous demons, trying unsuccessfully to tap into their humanity. The man shivered on the spot as the tall figure rose to greet him. The trembling man glanced around. A girl with bright scarlet hair and a crazy grin was sitting cross legged on a barrel, her eyes glowing at him. On the other side of the room was a tall boy with his arms crossed and gazing at him like he was seeing right through him. Then, lastly, was a rather short teen, leaning against the wall with no apparent interest to the proceedings. But as the man stared, the boy's steely grey eyes whipped to land on him, almost convincing the man to bolt out right then and there.

"You have the money you owe me?" Kenny asked in a low gruff voice.

"Y-yes," the man fumbled with the tie that attached the pouch of money to his belt.

Just as he was going to hand it to the man, there were shouts and curses coming from outside. All their eyes went to the door as time passed and the shouts progressively died down, until it was deadly quiet.

Everyone's breathing could be heard as the person outside kept them waiting. The boy who had been leaning against the wall straightened up and regarded the door as footsteps became louder.

"1, 2, 3," the girl on the barrel counted down.


The door flew off its hinges and narrowly missed decapitating Kenny's head. It fell onto the floor in pieces. The silhouette in the doorway took a step in.

"Shisturei shimasu*," the boy said in a soft voice. Blood dripped onto the floor and the girl on the barrel cried out.

"He's bleeding like a busted barrel of whiskey!" the red haired girl said with an out-of-place grin.

The ebony haired boy scrutinized the boy, noticing that his left arm was hanging limply and that blood had streamed down from a wound on his head all the way to his shirt. Bruises were forming from the assault he had just went through and the flesh on his hands were peeling.

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now