C H 9 d I D y o u S E e

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"Here's your bed!" Isabel said, preceding to jumping in said bed. "Right below mine!"

Charles nodded and dumped his stuff on the bottom bunk of the bed. Isabel chewed on a piece of bread as she watched him shift through his belongings. Levi had managed to save quite a bit of money from the fire and to Charles' surprise, her ocarina. He stared at it.

Isabel followed his gaze and she saw the weird shaped instrument. "What's that?"

Charles broke out of his reverie and he picked up the instrument, placing it carefully in his drawer in the bedside table. "Nothing."

"Hmmm..." Isabel kept chewing.

Charles split the money in half and gathered one half into his bag again. He carefully button it closed and tucked it below the bed in the far corner. He grabbed the two slabs of wood that had fallen out of his sack and carefully measuring the height of the underside of the bunk bed, went out to saw the wood in the correct size. Isabel hopped off the bed and followed.

When he passed Farlan at the dining table, reading a book, he dropped the 50 percent of money in front of him. Farlan looked up but before he could say anything, the boy had already went out the door.

Isabel sneered playfully. "Our lovely item doesn't like you."

"I don't need him to like me," Farlan pocketed the money. "I need him to work."

Charles reentered the room, the wood tucked under his arm. Farlan stared at him as he passed.

"Levi doesn't like dirt, so make sure to clean your shoes before you come in," Farlan advised. "And keep the area around your side of the room spotless."

Charles paused and scrutinized Farlan from the corner of his eye. "Okay."

Charles went back into the bedroom.

Isabel busted out laughing.

"What?" Farlan hissed.

"You do care if he likes you!" Isabel guffawed.

Farlan tsked. "It'll affect our teamwork if he can't trust me."

Isabel hugged her stomach, gasping for breath.

A tick mark appeared on Farlan's forehead.

"This is golden!" Isabel wiped away a tear. "You're trying to use Levi onii-sama to get close to Charles! Ha! I don't know why but that's hilarious!"

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes," Levi said from the kitchen.

"What're we having?" Farlan said, trapping Isabel in a choke hold.

"Air... air...!" Isabel said hoarsely.

"Stew," Levi answered, ignoring the situation in front of him.

Having finished making a false wall below his bed to hide the money, Charles dusted off his hands and got to his feet. He heard his stomach rumble and stretched his arms. He shouldered his sack and exited the bedroom again.

He saw Levi spooning out food in bowls and the other two waiting patiently. Isabel was drooling but her avid attention diverted to Charles when he came into her line of vision.

"Come and eat! Levi onii-sama's cooking is the best!"

"I was actually going to scavenge for food on the surface—"

"What're you talking about?" Farlan was half twisted in his seat, arm over the chair. "If you're going to be living here, you have to eat off our table."

"But I—"

"Stop standing there like an idiot and sit," Levi pointed at the chair across from him indifferently. "If you don't hurry, Isabel will have eaten your share."

Attack on Titan: Unscented [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now