Chapter 28

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"You all came?" Fury asks as everyone walked in.

"Why, were we not supposed to?" Clint asks. Fury doesn't respond and turns to walk to the conference room.

"Who died? I wanna get out of this fucking suit," Tony complains as he loosens his tie.

"Please, take a seat," Fury announces. Everyone but Fury sits down.

"Uhh are we having a meeting?" A voice says from the door.

"Oh what's up Coulson?" Clint asks with a smile.

"Take a seat Coulson," Fury tells him.

"I think we're in trouble," Tony whispers to everyone.

"Now that everyone is here-"

"Nat and Bruce aren't here," Clint interrupts.

"Well she's somewhere else getting drunk and Banner isn't allowed to be here," Fury says, starting to get annoyed.

"The person who's funeral you are here to attend is someone close to all of you," Fury starts, "she's a friend to you all, close to me, and a daughter to Coulson...."

"Coulson you have a daughter?" Tony asks, slightly shocked.

"The only person I considered my daughter is (y/n)...." he breathes out, not breaking his gaze from Fury.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" Steve questions. An atmosphere of tension was starting to fill the room.

"She said she was going to come later....." Tony answers.

"I should have told you guys from the start," Thor says in a small voice. Tony abruptly stands up and slams his hands on the table.

"Tell us fucking what?!" He growls.

"Her disease ...there isn't a cure," he replies solemnly.

"What about the pills she took?" Steve asks, concern lacing his voice.

"They only delayed her death," he responds.

"(Y/n)...." Coulson whispers, tears forming in his eyes.

"You...... I'll deal with you later, WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Tony yells.

"Fitz Simmons I want (y/n)'s coordinates right now and I want the Quinjet right this FUCKING MOMENT," Coulson orders into his earpiece.

"It's all your fault..." Clint says coldly as he glares at Loki. Steve, Tony, and Coulson turn their head towards the blue eyed asgardian.

"What are you guys going to do? Kill me?" Loki says as he smirks, "you can't. I'm inevitable."

"And I'm Kanye West," Tony snort as he heads towards him.

"I've got her location." Coulson says as he abruptly gets up and leaves the room. The rest follow, only Fury staying in the conference room.

(Steve pov)
"(Y/N)!" I cry helplessly. Where the hell was she? She couldn't leave me....leave us alone like this. God why didn't she tell us.

"The jet's here but I don't see her!" Tony says while running up to me. I grab my hair in frustration and crouch down.

"No no no no no, she can't do this," I whisper.

"(Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU?!" Tony yells.

"Come guys we have to survey the area," Clint tells us.

"Look..." Thor voices. I look to see the flowers and grass growing, higher and higher. When we arrived they were almost to our knees but know they went past.

"She's here," I breathe out.

"I fo..und her!" Coulson yells, his voice cracking. We sprint towards him.

As we near his soft cries became easier to here. I take a step towards to hold her but Tony grips my shoulder.

"Coulson's a father to her..." he reminds. Even though her face wasn't visible to me I could see the variety of flowers pooled around her; the grass along with the flowers covered with splatters of blood.

"I can't," I say, gagging and turn around.

"Open your eyes (y/n). You're ok. Open your eyes and breathe. It's over now. Please wake up, don't do this to me, don't do this...please....just fucking wake up!" Coulson cries. The pain in his voice was enough to make me cry.

"This is all your fucking fault," Tony growls as he leaves my side and punches Loki. I wanted to kill that bastard, but right now I wanted (y/n) back....I needed her back.

"Oh god," I whisper and fall to the ground, silent tears rolling down my eyes.

"Tony she didn't want you guys to know," Thor tries to reason.

"You're no her either! Why didn't you fucking tell us?!" Clint yells.

*pov change*

"She did not want you guys knowing this!" Thor repeats, trying to protect his brother and reason with everyone at the same time. But I didn't care. That horned bastard was the reason (y/n) was dead.

Why....why couldn't she just have fucking told us?! Leaving us cured her pain but just worsened ours.

I could've gotten a cure, appointed the highest doctors to figure it out...I could've helped her.

"You have no fucking right to hold information like that," I grit. I had to get past Thor. Should've brought my fucking suit.

Coulson and Steve crying behind me was just getting me angrier, Clint I were ready to fight till the bitch was 6 feet underground.

I look at Clint, who was ready to lunge any second. Turning back, I meet Loki's gaze, which was fixed on (y/n).

"GET YOU FUCKING EYES OFF HER!" I spit out. He had no fucking right to look at her.

"You're dead," Clint says coldly to Loki.

"ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" Thor booms. He quickly turns around, grabbing Loki's arm.

"Heimdal open the Bifrost!" Thor yells. No..

"Don't let the bastard leave!" I yell to Clint. As the rainbow comes down the sound of bullets ring out. One hits the blue eyed dick twitch on the arm, the others miss.

In a few seconds, the both are gone.

"NO!" I shout and lunge at the spot they were. They couldn't leave like that. He couldn't just leave like this, he had to pay for what he did.

"They're gone..." Clint whispers. I press my lips together and punch the ground from frustration.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE! HE'S A FUCKING MURDERER! HE KI...KILLED HER....he killed our (y/n)...." I cry.

"There's nothing we can do now..." Steve voices. I get up and face them.

"Let's go," Coulson says, holding (y/n) tightly in his arms.

"Ca-n I?" I ask, my voice cracking. Coulson nods and I gently take her into my arms. Steve wraps his arm around Clint's shoulder, who was also crying.

We head into the Quinjet where Coulson's team stood solemnly.

"We only knew for a while but we did consider her a friend," A British girl speaks. I ignore them and go onto the corner couch, resting (y/n)'s limo head on my lap.

"You are my su-nshine
My on-ly sunshine
You make me ha-ppy
When sky's are gray
You'll never know, d-ear
H-ow much I lo-ve you
Ple-ase don't ta-ke my sunsh-ine away..." I sing to her softly, my voice cracking from my huge urge to cry.

"Why didn't you just tell me...I could've helped...I could've helped...."

Ok so I know y'all wanted a funeral. But idk what happens at a funeral cuz in Islam females can't attend funeral so I winged what happens at one. So here's this chapter with sort of everyone's reaction. My fav part was the "I am inevitable" cuz marvel has shown that Loki was controlled during Avengers 1 cuz he had blue eyes not green! N Thanos says that during endgame. Btw: This the last chapter for book 1 !!!!! Thank you so much for reading ittttt!❤️

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