Chapter 17

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I walk out of the room I was in. My clothes were completely different, now being some long dress that reached till the floor. It felt weird because I felt under it.

It was still day so I'm guessing I didn't pass out for a long time?

"Lady (y/n)," a voice says from behind. I zip around, ready to attack if needed.

It was a young woman, she was pretty. Maybe my age?

"Oh uh sorry," I apologize.

"No need to apologize. I have been sent to show you your quarters," she tells me. Quarters as in the coin?

"I'll do it," a deeper voice says behind me. I already knew who it was.

"It's no trouble for me," the women quietly objects. She was probably ordered to that's why she was prominent on doing it.

"And it's no trouble for me as well," Thor says.

"I'll go with this idiot," I tell and and point back to Thor. Her eyes widen a bit from my lack of respect but honestly how could you respect Thor? He's a big baby.

"Y-Yes of course," She stutters and leaves. I turn and meet Thor's happy face.

"How do you feel?" He asks.

"Better actually," I shrug.

"I'm surprised, you've been knocked out for a couple of days," Thor says, rubbing his chin questioningly.

"A couPLE DAYS? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I screech. Thor covers his ears and waits till I'm done.

"Uh no...." he trails.

"Thor I only had 2 days time to find a cure for these stupid flowers," I explain.

"Can you not extend that time?" He asks.

"I don't know...I told Fury I'd be back in a couple days," I tell him with a sigh.

"Well then let's try to find a cure right away then," he says and begins walking off. I quickly follow him and hope this cure wouldn't be hard to find.

"This is where the cure is?" I ask as we stand in front of these big doors.

"Of course not, this is where my mother is," Thor explains and knocks. A servant opens the door and I see the women that was nice to me when I first came.

"Ah you're awake!" She sighs contently.

"Uhh from the looks of it," I reply with a smile.

"Everyone except (y/n) may leave now," She says, looking back at the servants waiting on her. She must be living the life.

"I'll try to find a cure until then," Thor says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"No need, I will take care of it," The woman tells her. I guess Thor nods because everyone then leaves and it's just her and I in the room.

"Thank you....your....highness," I trail out. What do I refer to her as?!

"Call me Frigga," She simply says. Finally a name!

"So," She says with a clap of her hands, "come sit, we have so much to talk about."

I sit down and this small stool and she gives out a small laugh.

"No need to sit on my foot rest, come sit here," She says and pats the spot on the bed. The foot rest? My version of a footrest was either Tony or Clint......hers was way better.

"Uh thanks....for everything," I tell her. I probably looked stupid to her. But how do you act in front of the queen?

"It's no problem. Now onto more pressing topics....." She trails. Ah finally! Straight to that antidote/cure. Talking about the pressing matters. I like her.

" did you and Loki meet?" She asks. I try not to drop my normal face. Seriously? This was the pressing topic? I'd rather talk about Natasha's period moods than this!

"He tried to make a crowd of people kneel and my friend and I didn't want to risk fighting this guy I thought was a cosplayer.....he was next to me when he said his line and heard me say mine. We got him into our custody but then he kidnapped me," I explain briefly.

"Was he harsh?" She asks. I blank out; do I mention the choking?

"Oh dear he was, wasn't he?" She asks, concerned.

"He....tried to kill me by choking me," I mumble, shifting uncomfortably. She widens her eyes and looks at me with shock.

"But we did have our moments!" I quickly spit out so she doesn't have him executed or some shit.

"Oh really!? Like?" She quickly asks, "did you two...."

What the fuck.....

"No! No we didn't!" I say and jump off the bed.

"Ok ok, I'll stop," she says with a soft laugh. A very uncomfortable silence settles between us. It was uncomfortable for me. She practically just asked if I had sex with her son! Do I wish I did? Maybe! But did she have to know? Most definitely not!

"Do you love him?" Frigga asks suddenly.

"It doesn't matter if I do or not, it's clear how he feels," I answer with a bitter smile, my lungs starting to grow heavy.

"Ah don't say that! Loki does not always mean what he says," She consoles...well tries to I guess.

"Oh I'm sure he does. But it's better this way. A little lonelier but better," I shrug. I could feel the flowers climbing up my rib cage. It felt comfortably painful....

"No it's not, that is your soulmate. You two are bound together," she tells me, fisting her hands to show how strong our so called bond is.

"What arm is your soul mark on?" I ask her.

"My left of course," she says like it's obvious.

"Mine is on my right, this relationship was doomed from the start," I bluntly tell her.

"You said the both of you had your moments. I'm positive he didn't fake those at least," she says a bit hopefully.

"He did all that so I could join his side," I explain, "I saw it coming."

"Did you?" She says with a soft, weary smile.

"Yup. Saw it coming, still hurt like a bitch though. Because you never know when or how it'll happen....just know it's going to....

It's funny because I even tried to prepare for it by not trying to fall for him. But I couldn't.

Feels like a knife to the gut. You can't exactly enjoy the moment knowing it's hopeless.

Tears you apart from the inside, and when you think you're back together it happens. And that feeling of being pulled apart so harshly returns....and stays..." I mumble out. Why was I even telling her this? Why was I spilling my heart out to his mother?

She didn't even reply. I look at her pitiful gaze that covered me in an emotional blanket and look down, biting my lip and forcing my stupid tears back.

I hold the flowers in my mouth and painfully swallow them down, the metallic taste of blood that coated them leaving an aftertaste in my mouth.

"Dear..." she whispers and gets up to hug me. I stay stunned for a couple seconds but then do hug back. Something about it was comforting. Making me think that if my mom was alive, maybe she'd hold me like this....


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