Chapter 22

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"You wanna tell me why he's here?" I harshly whisper to Thor.

"And why I shouldn't shoot his face?" Clint adds.

"My father told me it'd be wise if (y/n) and Loki were to spend some time together," Thor explains. I know Odin lost one eye but did that man also lose a part of his brain?!

"That could've been done in like a couple years, why at our sleepover?" Tony asks. Thor gives me a look across our group circle and I return a sheepish smile.

"She hasn't told you guys?" Thor questions.

"Told us what? That she slept with Cap?" Clint snorts.

"We're over that topic dick twitch," I growl.

"What are you hiding this time?" Steve sighs, like it was usual for me to hide stuff.....which it was.

I send Thor a desperate look.

"That she uh....we.....that my father um....had his girlfriend executed and wants him to be on Earth to keep Asgard safe from his tantrums....yeah that sounds believable," Thor stumbles out.

"He had a girlfriend?" Clint asks.

"Odin executed her?!" I gasp out. I didn't like her actions yes, but executing her? That was too fucking much!

"Asgard doesn't promote morganatic affairs," Thor tells me.

"Want to fill in the dumb people?" Tony asks Thor and I.

"You don't even know what happened," Steve tells him.

"Bitch I do, and so does Nat," Tony says in a matter of fact tone. Steve looks over to me and so does Clint.

"I had to tell them, if they just found out they would've beat him to a pulp and you know that as well," I explain to him.

"She gave me a days notice," Tony tells Natasha.

"She told me the day she came," Natasha responds back. I had to give Natasha more time because she'd go x games mode on Loki and I, unfortunately, don't want that.

"Wait he cheated on you?" Steve asks in a small voice. Fuck....the way he said that. It just made it hurt even more.

"Uh yeah, don't worry though....I'm fine," I reply back. Steve looks towards Loki, anger evident in his eyes. Loki, meanwhile, calmly looked at us from his spot on the couch.

"My father executed the person he was with," Thor reminds Steve.

"That still doesn't give him the fucking right," Steve grunts as he tries to move towards him. Everyone looks down to see his legs being held in place by some vines.

"Let me go," Steve commands me.

"No," I say back.

"(Y/n) weakens when she uses her powers," Natasha speaks up. I give a proud nod while Clint whispers a "oh my god."

"I could break these apart you do know that?" Steve reminds.

"As much as I'd love to see you do that it's still a no," I sigh back.

"If you break them she's just gonna make something stronger than a vine hold you back. She can make fucking diamonds if given the time," Tony tells him.

"Does this not make you mad?" Steve says, exasperated.

"Oh it does I actually have the misses in my suit already aimed on him, they just need me to say the word," Tony replies back.

"I love you Tony," I tell him with a smile.

"Just give me the word kid," He sighs. Steve turns his gaze to me.

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