Chapter 17

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Veronica's POV
Right now I want to litteraly leave like my dad forced me to come with Chloe to the mall and give us a time to 'bond'."I want to leave"I say and Chloe rolls her eyes."Not right-"Chloe gets city off by her phone ringing.She answers and I look at her with a glare and she nods and ends the call."Let's go"Chloe says and I look at her suspicious and I walk with her.We walk towards her car and then all of a sudden someone grabs me and I scream."Be quiet"Someone says and I begin to kick and fight."Sleep her"I hear Chloe say and my eyes go wide all of a sudden everything turn black
Joel's POV
I was in my office and all of a sudden my phone rings."Hello-"I start to say but I got cut off by someone."I have your daughter Joel Pimentel I need you to pay 5,000,000 dollars to get her back"Someone says and they hang up.I stand up and look for Daya and see she is in the living room.Vero They have Vero.I quickly get my phone and I call Iriná and she picks up."What do you want Joel"Iriná says.
Iriná's POV
I was with Erick on a date and all of a sudden my phone rings.I see it's Joel and I answer."What do you want Joel"I say with a eye roll."They took her..they took Veronica"Joel says and my heart drops and my eyes go wide."Joel what do you mean they took her?Who took her?Why?How?Who was she with?Is Daya there?Is she ok"I start saying and I start to tear up."Just come to the house I will explain everyhting and Daya is here"Joel says and I nod and hang up."We have to go"I say and Erick looks at me with confusion."Why?What happend?"Erick says and I shake my head."They took her...they took Veronica"I say and he nods and asks for the check.They bring us the check and he pays.We get out of there and go to the car and I quickly call Stephanie."Hey girl what's up"Stephanie says."They took Veronica bring everyone to Joel's house and bring evryone but bring princesa I think Chloe has something to do with it"
I open the door with Erick behind me.I immediately see Joel and I slap him in the face."Where the hell is my daughter you idiot"I say and I start hitting his chest But Erick holds me back."Where the hell is she!!"I scream and he shakes his head."I don't know she was supposed to be with Chloe-"He starts to say but I cut him off with a slap."Why the hell was she with her!!??Why the hell was she there with her??!!!I trusted you with my daughter's and this is what you do??!!You trust her more than your family!!This is what you wanted look what you caused all you ever brought in this family was problems we were happier without you!!This is the last time you will ever see them!!"I scream at Joel while I cry."Look I'm sorry"He says and I shake my head."Don't!Say that your sorry after this you better get the hell away from our lives we never want to see you again!!"I say and he nods while clenching his jaw.We hear the door open and see Chloe."Where the hell is my daughter"I say while slapping her."What the hell?!"She says and I roll my eyes."Don't act the victim!I know what you are trying to do and it's not going to work on me it may work on this idiot over here but it doesn't work on me..where the hell is she??!!I could kick your ass right now and pop that fake belly of yours"I say and she shakes her head."They took her..I-I tried everything but they pushed me and slapped me really hard and knocked me out"She sayd and I roll my eyes and scan her face for injuries but she wasn't injured."Where are your bruises"I ask and she looks at me."What?"She asks and I laugh."You don't have a bruise which you said they knocked you out?"I say and all of a sudden she takes a gun out and points it at me."Erick go with Daya to her room!"I scream at Erick and he nods."You always have to ruin things don't you"Chloe says and I shrug."Yeah I guess it's my style"I day sarcastically."You took Joel and the money from me now Im-"Chloe says but someone comes in with a gun."Wow I felt like such a badass"Stephanie says while coming in with Fernanda,Christopher,Richard
,and Zabdiel."Put the gun down or else I will blow your head off and honey I have a good aim"Stephanie says with a gun."Oh look it's the bitch of a friend you have"Chloe says with a smirk."Chloe put the gun down"Joel says and Chloe shakes her head."Not a chance babe"Chloe says.We hear police sirens and Chloe quickly runs and Richards comes tackling her down.I take the gun away from her and point it at her."Where is my daughter"I say and she laughs."Where the hell is my daughter!!"I scream but she continues laughing.The police comes in and takes Chloe away."Miss we tracked down the call and it's located on a warehouse"The police says and I nod.

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