Chapter 8

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Iriná's POV
I was shopping with Stephanie,Fernanda,Vero,and Daya."Look at that dress it's so cute"Stephanie says while pointing at a dress."Don't you think it's to revealing"Fernanda says while looking at it carefully."I don't care it's so cute it will look cute on you Iri"Stephanie says and I look at it and Its pretty."You should totally buy it"Vero says and I smile."You will look like a pwincess"Daya says and I smile.We go to the store and I get the employees attention."Excuse me do you have that exact dress that's in the manniquine"I ask and she nods."I will bring it to you"She says and I smile."Well if it isn't my future step-daughters and her skanky mother"I hear someone say and I turn around to see a blonde bimbo."Vero take Daya to get ice cream"Fernanda says while everyone glares at the blonde.Vero nods and takes Daya with her."The only skank I see is you"I say."Who are you exactly"Stephanie asks."I'm Chloe Tucker..Joels Girlfriend"The blonde says while smirking and rubbing her belly."Your the girl he got pregnant"I say and she nods while laughing."Yes he got tired of you so easy and why did you send my future daughter's away I want to meet them maybe when they get to know me they will get tired of you and leave you too"She says with a smirk and I give my bag to Stephanie and take off my earings."Yes fight her Iri"Stephanie says and Fernanda holds me back."Oh look she brought her friends I guess you two are skanks to"Chloe says and Stephanie looks at her dead in the eyes and slaps her."Watch yourself bitch"Stephanie says and Fernanda grabs her so now she has us held back."I will choose my next words carefully"I say and she laughs."Is that a threat"She says and I nod glaring at her."Here's the dress"The employee says with the dress in her hands and I grab it from her."Thank you"I say with a smile."Can I get the same dress"Chloe says and the employee shakes her head."Sorry it was the last one"The employee says and Chloe rolls her eyes."Don't be sorry slut style firs her better"Chloe says while walking out.I hand Fernada the dress and Stephanie knows what I'm going to do."Fernanda pay for the dress and go get the girls"I say and Stephanie and I walk to were Chloe is.I grab Chloes hair and her extensions fall out and Stephanie and I laugh."Wow not a surprised since you are fake"Stephanie says and Chloe glares at us and puts her things down."Yeah I'm fake so what I was still successful for stealing your man"Chloe says and I slap her and she grabs my hair and I remind myself that she is pregnant so I have to make her injuries to the face.Stephanie grabs her hair and we start slapping and pulling at each other until someone breaks us apart and it's security....ooopppss....

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