Chapter 12

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The next day
Joel's POV
I was sitting down looking at the divorce papers.I hear heels clicking and immeaditly know who it is.How does she even get in my house?I didn't even gave her a key."Honey I'm hungry"Chloe says while walking in."So?What do you want me to do?"I say and she rolls her eyes."Get me food"She says and I shake my head."No and how do you always get in my house"I ask and she smiles."I have a copy of your key"She says and I groan.Chloe then looks at the divorce papers."Why haven't you signed them"She asks while scoffing."I'm not going to no matter how hard she tries"I say and Chloe just laughs."You really don't give up do you"She says and I look at her confused."What?"I ask and she gives me a evil smile."You broke the poor girl and you want her to come back?Hmm well guess what?Wake up Joel because this isn't a fairy tale or a dream Iriná is never going to come back no matter how hard you try she already found someone else and is already moving caused her alot of pain you left her to deal with things on her own do you really think she still loves you?Well guess what she dosent she hates you your kids hate you and you really expect her to come back"Chloes says and then she walks out.I look at myself and see tears in my eyes.I really hate how Iriná had this effect on me.I look at the papers and sight.
Iriná's POV
I was sitting in my office looking at the magazine review of my design I made for the kardashians."They absolutely loved it"Fernanda says and I smile.We then hear a knock on the door."Come in"I say and my secretary comes in."Ms.Iriná your husband is here to see you"My secretary says and I look at her with wide eyes."My?-"I start to say but Fernanda cuts me off."Tell him to come in"Fernanda says and my secretary nods and leaves and I look at Fernanda with wide eyes."Why did you do that"I say and she looks at me and shrugs.I hear the door open and Joel walks in."What do you want"I say snapping at him but then I take a look at his appearance.His eyes are bloodshot and he had a suit on I guess for work."I just wanted to give you this"Joel says and he gives me the divorce papers."Oh..uhmm Thank you"I say shocked and be nods and leaves.Fernanda looks at me and shrugs."He looks like a mess"I say and she nods."So we need to celebrate that you are officially single"Fernanda says with a smile and I nod still trying to process things.

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