14: the consequences

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Trigger Warning!
After Caleb was brought to the hospital, the doctors decided that he hit rock bottom. Now he has to go to a mental facility. Because he has become unstable and a danger to himself and others.

We just got home from dropping Caleb off at the mental facility. I explained everything to Shawn (picture of Shawn above). Jack was in the kitchen and we were in Shawn's room. We were talking when there was a Loud crash downstairs.

Shawn gasps and flinches away. Then I yell downstairs "Jack I swear to god, if your looking for the last piece of cake! When you already had three pieces Today! I will feed that cake to a random dog on the streets!"

I hear Jack gasp as loud as he possibly could. I know for a fact he will not be touching that cake. I completely forgot about Shawn I look over to see Shawn in the corner of his room.

His knees were to his chest arms wrapped around them. He was rocking back and fourth and hyperventilating. Tears streaming down his face.

I went over to him putting my hand on his shoulder. His head shot up terrier filled his eyes. In his hyperventilating state he breathed out, "Back away... get away... GO AWAY!"

I gasped and backed slowly out the door. I ran to the kitchen on the verge of crying. I saw Jack who had almost eaten the final piece of cake. He mumbled "Shit...".

I ignored the fact that I should be mad at him. I pulled him up out of the chair he was sitting in. He set down his fork, and I wrapped my arms around him crying into his chest.

"Hey what's wrong baby?" "I-I." Was all I could stutter out. He picked me up and carried me over to the couch setting me on his lap. "Okay calm down that way you can talk." He said calmingly.

I took a few calming breaths "O-okay." He held me in his arms rocking me as if I was a baby. "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

"Y-Yeah. Shawn was freaking out, and when I tried to help him he yelled at me to go away."
Still crying a bit, but with the last seven words I said I was back in full on tears. "I- it's okay I-I think..." he said trying to comfort me.

"What do you mean by he was freaking out." I explained what he did during the panic. That's when Jack says "Maybe we should take him into a counselor."

"Yeah I'll set up an appointment right now."
Today is Shawn's appointment, we are sitting in the waiting room. When his counselor Lindsey, brought me, Jack, and Shawn into her room.

She looks to Shawn and asks what been going on. That's when he confesses. He said that he has panic attacks often and that he feels guilty for Caleb. He's says that its All his fault and that he deserves the pain that he causes.

Lindsey asked him to explain, he says that he's been staving himself for the past two weeks. He has slit his wrist many times, pulling up his sleeves he showed us the healing cuts on his wrists.

Lindsey tells me and Jack to leave the room. In the waiting room, we were both in perfect silence. That's when we heard, a voice which I knew was Shawn's yell, "I JUST WANT TO DIE!!!!!"

A few seconds later two men rush into the room he was in. I stood up and was about to walk into the room. When the door Bursts open, the two men were carrying Shawn, by his arms.

He squirmed and screamed, I yelled at them "What the fuck are you doing with him!?!" They continued out the door like I wasn't even there.

Lindsey came to my side explaining that Shawn needs to be hospitalized. I asked her for how long, she said it depends on him. "Will I be able to see him?" I said

She looked at me sadly, "No I'm afraid not. For now he has to deal with this himself, no distractions. I will call you once I get more information."

Me and Jack walked out the door tears streaming down my face, Jack trying to comfort me. With tears starting in his eyes.

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