3: the friends house

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I got in Jacks car and Alex was in the backseat.  We arrived at a huge house.  I was stunned at the size of it (Picture above). 

I had no idea who's house this was or why we were here.  We stepped out of the car I could here Music now I know why we are here it's a party.  We walked inside and all I could smell was alcohol and smoke.

There were drunk and sober people dancing everywhere. I saw a few people passed out some making out and other such. To be honest I was a little scared only because I have had bad experiences with drunk people.

I looked over to Jack and put his arm around me. He looked down to me and kept his arm on me. This guy who's name I think is Daniel walked up to us saying,

"Hey Jack! What's up dude?!" They did some sort of handshake then Alex and Daniel did it. Jack has his arm back around me at least.

Another guy came over here saying "Oooh who brought the snack?" Sadly I knew he meant me I was about to say that I'm here with Jack but he made it clear himself.

"Well I did because she's my girlfriend. So don't touch her Zach!" Zach laughed and did the same handshake with Jack and Alex.

"Let's go out to the back it's quieter back there." Daniel said. We all went back there all the guys were talking so Jack pulled me over to a bench. So we were sitting alone.

I was sitting next to him but Jack put me onto him lap. I was fine with it. To be honest this relationship isn't the worst.

"Ashly, did you bring your juul?" I looked at him then dug in my pocket to make sure it was still there. I pulled it out saying "Yeah." "Okay."

Jack pulled out a cigarette while I vaped. We were enjoying ourselves talking and smoking but Alex came over.

"Oh wow you got Mrs. Goodie Two Shoes to vape?!" I looked to Alex and glared. "She does it voluntarily." Jack said.

"Oh wow! Didn't think you had it in ya Ashly!" and with that Alex walked back to the other two. "I knew you had it in ya." I looked over to Jack.

His eyes were really beautiful right now not that they weren't normally.  "Thanks Jack." "Do you wanna go to my house?"

I was still looking at Jack and there was some hope in his eyes "Sure, but what about Alex?" "Oh right. Zach can drive him home if he's not drunk."

We told them we were leaving and that Alex could stay. So we went out to Jacks car "Hey Jack." "Yea?"

"Do you actually like me or are you just using me?" He took a few seconds before answering "I like you." With that he put his hand on my thigh.
We got to Jacks house it was even bigger than the last one we were at. He showed me in I met his parents and little sister.

We went up to his room and relaxed. We were laying on his bed talking when he put his arms around me. He pulled me closer to him.

He kissed me and like normal it turned into a make out session. I really do like him and I never did before we started dating. It got really heated and stuff happened...

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