9: the party

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Well school ended today mostly everyone is coming to our party. Some are coming here instead of Conners. Sadly all the school hoes with be here and all the hottest guys in school. Good thing Jacks taken...

We were setting up for the party Jack doing as much as his arm would let him.

When there was a knock on the door "I'll get it." I said the boys were upstairs locking doors and setting up I was the only one downstairs.

I opened the door and Caleb's girlfriend had to be on the other side. I think she's jealous of me because I'm so close with Caleb.

"Why hello Charlotte, what brings you here?"
"Ugh! Because it's a party, and my boyfriend is here."

"He may be your boyfriend but he's my best friend and has known me for ever so your not going to distract him. Got it!"

"Yeah what ever its not even your house poor person."

"Excuse me, did you buy a mansion, no I did. Do you live with your parents, yes you do. Who's the poor person now? Huh?"

With that she threw a punch at me I caught her wrist. I had a tight hold on her tightening my grip. Smirking in a rude way. "Stop, stop please, that hurts!"

That's when Caleb came around the corner with Jack. "What's going on?" Caleb said calmly. I looked back long enough for Charlotte to punch my gut hard.

I grabbed my stomach letting go of her. Jack ran to me. "You okay Ash." He said putting his arm around me "Not the best."

Caleb butted in "Wait so what happened?" I wasn't going to let Charlotte lie and make me look bad. "Your dumbass girlfriend tried to punch my face so I grabbed her hand before she made contact.

I may or may not have tightened my grip on her wrist so she would know not to do that again-"

I was cut off by Caleb "Wait to purposely hurt Charlotte?" "Yeah, then she punched my gut as hard as she could." I glared at Charlotte who was hiding behind Caleb.

"Charlotte why did you try to punch my best friend?" "W-Well she offended me." She stutter "Fuck No! You tried to call me poor so I turned it around onto you!"
People started to show up,  the whole school was invited.  Some wouldn't show because of Conners party.  My house would be a mess but that's not a problem, considering I live with Shawn. 

About half the school was here by now.   The other half was probably at Conners.  I don't care though, less of a mess for me to clean.
The party's been going for about 2 hours. Nothing dramatic, there's a few drunks, some passed out, others sitting and talking. No ones thrown up luckily.

I heard something really loud outside so I went to check it out. First I found Jack so he could come with me. We went out side and I couldn't believe what I saw.

First things first Shawn fighting someone, second that someone was Conner! Freshman vs Senior. These kind of fights were way to normal. Looks like everyone from his party is here now.

Most were chanting "Conner! Conner! Conner!" others "Shawn! Shawn! Shawn!" I knew I was the only one who could break this up, having a high pitched scream.

So I screeched loudly "Stop Fucking Fighting And What The Hell Is Going On!?" Everyone stoped no more yelling no more punches. There was a dead silence.

I was mad as piss! Shawn spoke up letting go of Conner,

"He was trashing you and me!"

I scolded them both

"So that was a reason to start a fight with a Senior!?"

"W-Well, that wasn't all... He was planning on ruining your house."

"Fucking go die in a hole Conner! That's where you belong! Oh yeah I hope you rot in hell!"

(This is Conner
"Oh Fuck you! Your party sucks and so do you!"

"Well if you mean that about yourself then you would be correct!"

"Get the fuck out of here Conner!"

"I'm not scared of a guy who still has a cast!"

"Fucking Shut Up Conner! I will call the cops on you!"

"Oh really Ashly?"

It was a familiar voice but it who?  That's when the none other than Aaron (picture above) came out of the crowd. 

His gang behind him, he went straight up to me and Jack.  "Your here?  What ever." He said shoving Jack away wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Get the fuck off me Aaron."
"Why in the world would I do that Babygurl."

He smirked as he said it. He went to kiss my lips, I dogged it him kissing my cheek.  Jack was so shocked he couldn't move. 

"I'll say it one more time, get the Fuck Off me Aaron!"
"Don't yell at me Bitch!  Your mine Again!"
"I'm not yours!  I'm not anyone's because I chose who I date or don't date!"
"Not when I'm around!"

He picked me up putting me over his shoulder. I saw Jack come running and Caleb. Aaron's gang was following Aaron, Conner was in his gangs group.

Wait WHAT?! Since when did Aaron take him!? Jack was stopped by two guys who's names I didn't know. Caleb was stopped by Asher and Cameron. Who I also hate.

I struggled to get loose and run but it didn't work Aaron's grip was to strong. "Stop struggling!" I kept doing it. Till I was thrown into a car that Aaron also got into.
OooOh Ashly's Ex has hold of her! 😏

~the sinning writer

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