hey! happy friday

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So today i am broke, i like to say i have minus money which is funny considering how much i work but hey it is what it is. So I'm gonna do some free stuff today.

my girlfriend is not from around these here parts so i figured i would give her the tourist treatment. All the sites, its a small city so it should be done in one day.

my point, well i know some of you may be down in the dumps and recently i have been too but i woke up this morning and decided today is going to be a good day so I will make it that.

take a leaf out of my book and make today a good day.

do something that will make you smile or someone else. Buy yourself flowers or take the dog for a walk you know you have been neglecting to.

anyway what i have learned recently is no matter how many hours of studying, how many degrees you have or how many years you invest in a relationship, how many bills you pay on time and how many vegetables you plant. All at once that all could fizzle and mean nothing, and all at once life can seem empty meaningless, wasted.

but hey everyday is a fresh start. Take today as a new bright canvas and paint it however you want.

make it beautiful x


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