So She's Alive

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Mary's POV
I was sitting on the bed reading my Tuck Everlasting book. "I can't get a hold of Kara." Dean said mad at his phone. I got my phone out of my pocket. "Try calling Ricky Harvelle." I said. Dean took my phone and walked outside to call Ricky to hopefully get a hold of Ricky. "So this is it. This is everything I know. Look, our whole lives we been searching for this demon right? Not a trace, just...nothing. Until about a year ago. For the first time I picked up a trail." Dad said. "And that's when you took off." I said. "Yeah. That's right. The demon must have come out of hiding, or hibernation." Dad said. I closed my book and walked over to dad's research. "All right so what's this trail you found?" Sam asked also coming over. "It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California. Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after us." Dad said. "Families with infants?" Sam asked. "Yeah. The night of the kid's six-month birthday." Dad said. In all honesty it sounds like the demon needs a new less creepy hobby. "I was six months old that night?" Sam asked. "Exactly six months." Dad said to Sam. "So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason. The same way it came for me? So Mom's death...Jessica. It's all because of me?" Sam said. "It tried to kill to kill your mom." Dad said. "That's not what Missouri said." I mumbled so no one heard my input. "We don't know that Sam." Dean said walking in and tossing me my phone that I caught putting it in my pocket. "Oh really? Cause I'd say we're pretty damn sure Dean." Sam said. So instead of an argument with dad it's Dean now. I saw Ribky text me.
Ricky:Why did your brother call me on your phone?
Mary:Wanted to know how Kara was how is she by the way?
Ricky:She fine watching movies with Jo.
Mary:Cool, Dean and Sam are arguing.
Ricky:Okay have fun.
"Okay. That's enough." I said breaking them up. "So why's he doing it. What does he want?" Sam asked dad. "Look I wish I had more answers, I do. I've always been one step behind it. Look, I've never gotten there in time to save...." Dad said trailing off and looking down sad. "All right so how do we find it..before it hits again." I said wanting to kill this asshole. "There's signs. It took me a while to see the pattern but it's there in the days before these fires signs crop up in an area. Cattle deaths, temperature fluctations, electrical storms. And then I went back and checked...and..." Dad trailed but Dean cut him off. "These things happened in Lawrence." Dean said. Wow this demon is something. "A week before your mother died. And in Palo Alto...before Jessica. And these signs, they're starting again." Dad said. "Where?" Sam asked. "Salvation, Iowa." Dad said. We were in the impala heading to Iowa. When dad pulled off Dean followed. We got out. "God damn it!" Dad yelled. "What is it?" I asked. "I just got a call from Caleb." Dad said. "Is he okay?" Dean asked. "He's fine. Jim Murphy's dead." Dad said. Pastor Jim is dead, how? "Pastor Jim? How?" Sam asked voicing my question. "His throat was slashed. He bled out. Caleb said they found traces of sulfur at Jim's place." Dad said. "A demon." I said. Dad nodded. "The Demon?" Dean asked. "I don't know. Could be he just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we're getting close." Dad said. "What do we do?" I asked. "Now we act like every second counts. There's two hospitals and a health centre in this county. We split up, cover more ground. I want records. I want a list of every infant that's going to be six months old in the next week." Dad said. "Dad that could be dozens of kids. How do we know which one's the right one?" Sam asked. "We check em all that's how. You got any better ideas?" Dad asked. "No sir." Sam said. Dad turned around to leave. "Dad?" Dean asked. I got in the car and saw Kara texted me.
Kara:Hey Mae.
Mary:Hey Kara what's up?
Kara:Hanging our with Jo. I hear John is back with you three.
Mary:Yeah, did you know vampires exist?
Kara:No that's so cool.
Sam and Dean got in. "Okay Sammy or I?" Dean said. "Sammy." I said. Dean nodded. Dean dropped Sam and I off at Salvation Medical Centre. I sat down at one of the desks. Sam dropped down a bunch of files. I read through them. "Here you go officer and young lady." The nurse said giving us more files after an hour. "Thank you." We said in unison. "You're welcome." She said. I was reading them to Sam as he wrote them down in a notebook. An hour later we walked out of Salvation Medical Centre. We were walking when Sam was hot with a vision. I helped him stand up hating seeing my older brother in pain. It finished. "What happened?" I asked. Sam pulled out a map. "Come on Mae." He said walking with his long moose legs. I had to sprint to keep up with him. "Sammy I don't have long legs." I said out of breath. He picked me up and walked very weird to be carrying your ten almost eleven year old sister. We got to a park and Sam put me down and he looked at a house. "This was in your vision?" I asked. He nodded. He saw a lady pushing a baby in a stroller with an umbrella he grabbed my hand and dragged me up to them. "Hi. Here, let me hold that for you. You look like you don't need that anymore." Sam said taking the stroller. I looked at the baby inside it. "Oh. Thanks." The lady said closing the umbrella. "She's gorgeous. Is she yours?" I asked. "Yeah." The lady said. "Oh wow, hi! Oh sorry, I'm rude. I'm Sam, this is my little sister Mary. We  just moved in up the block." Sam said. "Hi. I'm Monica. This is Rosie." Monica said. "Rosie? Hi Rosie." I said tickling her stomach making her giggle with happiness. "So, welcome to the neighbourhood." Monica said. "Thanks. She's such a good baby! Better then my sister." Sam said. "At least I didn't almost set the kitchen on fire." I said remembering when I was four. "I know, I mean she...she never cries. She just stares at everybody. Sometimes she looks at you and I swear it''s like she's reading your mind." Monica said. "What about you Monica? Have you lived here long?" I asked curious. "My husband and I, we bought our place just before Rosie was born." Monica said. "And how old's Rosie?" Sam asked. "She's six months today. She's big right? Growing like a weed." Monica said. "Yeah. Monica...." Sam said trailing off distracted. "Yeah?" Monica asked. "Just ahhh, just take care of yourself okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah, you too Sam and Mary. We'll see you around." Monica said. We nodded and we saw a car pull up in the driveway and Monica took Rosie to him guess it was dad. "Would've that been mom and dad?" I asked. "Yeah but you'd probably be older." He said. "Yeah I like being ten." I said. "In a couple days eleven." Sam said. I nodded. We got back to the motel and Sam told dad everything. "A vision." Dad said flatly trying to comprehend it all. "Yes. I saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling." Sam said setting me on his lap. "And you think this is going to happen to this woman you met because...." Dad said waiting for an explanation. "Because these things happen exactly the way he sees them." I said. "It started out as nightmares. Then it started happening while he was awake." Dean said getting up and getting more coffee. "Yeah. It's like the closer I get to anything to do with the demon the stronger the visions get." Sam said wincing. "All right. When were you going to tell me about this?" Dad asked. "We didn't know what it meant." Dean said. "All right, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone and you call me." Dad said mad at Dean and I. Call him okay now I'm done. "Call you? Are you kidding me? Dad We called you from Lawrence all right? I called you when Dean was dying. I mean, getting you on the phone? We've got a better chance of winning the lottery." I said just done. Everything was dead silent Dad looked in my eyes and he sighed looking away shamed. "You're right. Although I'm not too crazy about this new tone of yours, you're right. I'm sorry." Dad said. "Look guys, visions or no visions, fact is, we know the demon is coming tonight. And this family's gonna go through the same hell we went through." Sam said. No, that made my life shit. "No they're not. No one is, ever again." Dad said. I heard Sam's phone ring. He answered. "Hello?" He asked. "Who is this?" He asked after awhile. "Meg. Last time I saw you you fell out of a window." Sam said. Meg? Didn't Kara say she fell out of a seven story window. "Just your feelings? That was a seven-story drop." Sam said. "My Dad. I don't know where my Dad is." Sam said turning to dad. Sam then handed his phone to dad. "This is John." Dad said. "I'm here." Dad said after awhile. "Caleb?" Dad asked. We all stood or sat straighter. We knew Caleb good hunter and he always said I was firecracker. "Caleb. Caleb!" Dad screamed into the phone Meg probably killed him. "I'm gonna kill you, you know that?" Dad said after awhile. "Okay." Dad mumbled. "I said okay, I'll bring you the colt." Dad said. Wait the colt oh hell no we need that. "That's impossible. I can't get there in time and I can't just carry a gun on the plane." Dad said. Meg probably gave him a time. Dad hung up and gave Sam his phone back. We now all sat around the table. "So you think Meg is a demon?" Sam asked. "Either that, or she's possessed by one. It doesn't really matter." Dad said. "Plus how would she survive that seven story drop. She's alive and well as you heard." I said. "What do we do?" Dean asked. "I'm going to Lincoln." Dad said. "What?" Dean and I asked. "It doesn't look lilke we have a choice. If I don't go, a lot of people die, our friends die." Dad said. "Dad, the demon is coming tonight. For Monica and her family. That gun is all we got, you can't just hand it over." Sam said. "Who said anything about handing it over. Look, besides us and a coupla of vampires no ones really seen the gun, no one knows what it looks like." Dad said. Okay true Meg probably is oblivious to what it looks like. "So what, you're just going to pick up a ringer at a pawn shop?" Dean said. I picked up the colt and looked at it. "More like antique store." I said. "You're going to hand Meg a fake gun and hope she doesn't notice?" Dean asked. "Look, as long as it's close, she shouldn't be able to tell the difference." Dad said. "Yeah but for how long? What happens when she figures it out?" I said to dad raising an eyebrow. "I just...I just need to buy a few hours, that's all." Dad said. "You mean for Dean, Isla, and me. You want us to stay here, and kill this demon by ourselves?" Sam said. "No Sam. I want to stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school, I want Dean to have a home, I want Isla to live a life where she goes to school and has friends her own age. I want....I want Mary alive. It's just....I just want this to be over." Dad said. I got up and hugged him. He hugged back. "Dad even if I had a normal life, I'd probably think people are dumb." I said smirking. "Yeah." Dad said chuckling. Dean, Sam, and I went to an antique shop and I found an almost exact replica of the Colt we bought it and got back to dad who was on a muddy road. "You get it?" Dad asked as Dean, Sam, and I got out of the impala. We nodded and got a brown paper bag out that held the fake. "You know this is a trap don't you. That's why Meg wants you to come alone?" I asked. "I can handle her. I got a whole arsenal loaded. Holy water, Mandaic, amulets...." Dad said trailing off. "Dad." Dean said. "What?" Dad asked. "Promise us something." Dean said. "What's that." Dad said. "This thing goes south just...get the hell out. Don't get yourself killed all right, you're no good to us dead." I said and got in the car. Sam and Dean got in and we drove to Monica's house sitting outside. "Maybe we could tell em it was a gas leak. Might get em out of the house for a few hours." Sam said. "Yeah and how many times has that actually worked for us?" I asked referring to that one time with those bugs. "Yeah. We could always tell em the truth." Sam said. We all looked at each other eyebrow raised. "Nah!" We all said together. "I know I know. I just...with what's coming for these folks...." Sam said trailing off. "Sam we only got one move and you know it, all right? We gotta wait for that demon to show itself and then we get it before it gets them." Dean said. We all looked back at the house. "I wonder how Dad's doing." Sam said. "I'd feel a lot better if we were there backing him up." Dean said. "I'd feel a lot better if he were here backing us up." Sam said. We nodded and continued looking at the house. "This is weird." I said. "What?" Dean asked. "After all of these years we're finally here. It doesn't seem real." I said. "We just gotta keep our heads and do our job, like always." Dean said ruffling my blond hair. "Yeah but this isn't like always." Sam said joining our conversation. "True." Dean said. "Dean, Mae...ah...I wanna thank you." Sam said. "For what?" Dean and I asked. "For everything. You've two always had my back you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyone I could always count on you two . And ah...I don't know I just wanted to let you two know, Just in case." Sam said. Does he think he's gonna die or something. "Whoa whoa whoa, are you kidding me?" Dean said. "What?" Sam asked confused. "Don't say just in case something happens to you. We don't wanna hear that freaking speech man. Nobody's dying tonight. Not us, not that family, nobody. Except that demon. That evil dickhead ain't getting any older than tonight, you understand me?" I said to him. Dean soon tried calling dad not getting anything. "Dad's not answering." Dean said fusterated. "Maybe Meg was late. Maybe cell reception's bad." Sam said listing things. "Yeah well." Dean said as the radio started playing static. "Guys wait. Listen." I said. Sam started rolling the channels all getting static. "It's coming." Sam said. We jumped out of the car and ran to the house. We got in easy with Dean using a card to get the lock. We got in and got to the lounge where Monica's husband, Holden, tried hitting us with a bat thankfully I was short and he missed me completely Dean grabbed it. "Get out of my house!" Holden yelled. "Please please. Mr Holden please." I said. Dean got Holden pinned against the wall. "Be quiet and listen to me. Be quiet and listen. We are trying to help you." Dean said. "Charlie? Is everything okay?" We heard Monica say. "Monica get the baby!" Holden yelled. "Don't go in the nursery!" Sam and I yelled. "You two stay away from her!" Holden said. Sam and I ran upstairs and got in seeing Monica about to die the same way our mom did the first time. Sam got the colt and shot the demon who disappeared in smoke. "Where the hell did it go!" Sam yelled as Monica fell to the ground Sam helped her up. "My baby!" Monica went towards Rosie, but Sam stopped her. "My baby!!" Monica tried again. "No wait!" Sam yelled. "MY BABY!!!" Monica yelled trying to fight Sam. I went over to the crib and said to Sam. "Take her and go!" I said. "Rosie!" Monica yelled. "Come on Mae's got her." Sam said. I picked up Rosie and held her close to my body right as the crib burst into flames I ran but the smoke getting in my lungs and staining my cheeks. I held Rosie close. I ran out and coughed from smoke. "You saved her thank you." Holden said to me. I handed him Rosie. "I made sure she didn't get any smoke on her or in her." I said. "You're our hero thank you." Monica said hugging me. "It was no trouble." I said. Holden took out his wallet and took out a hundred dollar. "To get an outfit with no smoke smell and not torn." He said seeing my legging having a rip. "Thank you." I said. "It's still in there!" Sam yelled. I turned and saw the demon still in. I helped Dean restrain Sam. "Sam. Sam, no." Dean said. "Mae, Dean let me go, it's still in there." Sam said. "No. It's burning to the ground, it's suicide." I said. "I don't care!" Sam yelled mad. "We do." Dean and I said getting Sam back in the car. We were back at the motel Dean was trying to call dad and Sam was pouting. "Come on Dad, answer your phone damn it." Dean said. "Something must be wrong." I said. Sam just stared at the wall giving his bitch face. "You hear Mae? Somethings wrong." Dean said waving his hand infront of Sam's face. "If you two had just let me go in there, I coulda ended all this." Sam said. "Sam, the only thing you would have ended was your life. Mae is covered in smoke just from saving the baby she could've died."  Dean said pointing towards me who was still smelling like smoke and had smoke on my cheeks and forehead. "You two don't know that."  Sam said. "So what, you're just willing to sacrifice yourself, is that it?" I asked turning to him. "Yeah. Yeah you're damn right I am." Sam said. "Well that's not going to happen, not as long as Mae and I are around." Dean said. "What the hell are you talking about Dean, we've been searching for this demon our whole lives. It's the only thing we've ever cared about." Sam said mad. "Sam I wanna waste it. I do. Okay? But it's not worth dying over." Dean said. "What?" Sam asked. "I mean it. If hunting this demon means getting you or Mae killed then I hope we never find the damn thing." Dean said. "That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom." Sam said. "You said yourself once, that no matter what we do, they're gone, and they're never coming back." Dean said. Oh so he's bringing that up now. "Don't you say that, not you! Not after all this don't you say that." Sam said pissed and pining Dean to the wall. "Sam look. The four of us...that's all we have...and it's all I have. Sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together man...and without you, Isla, or Dad...." Dean said. "Dad. He should have called by now. Try him again." Sam said still tears in his eyes. I hugged him. He pulled me close. Dean called and it was answered. "You kids really screwed up this time." We heard Meg say. "Where is he." Dean said muderous. "You're never going to see your father again." Meg said. We all looked at each other nervous.

A\N:Only two chapters left then the second book Family Business.

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