Well First Time I Was Ever Kidnapped

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Mary's POV
I was sitting in the back of the impala as Sam had a nightmare in his seat up front. "Should I wake him up?" I asked Dean. "Nah let him sleep Mary." Dean said. I nodded and continued reading Narnia:The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe story. I saw Sam wake up with a start. "You okay?" Dean asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Sam said. "Really, cause that looked like some nightmare." I said. "Want to drive?" Dean asked Sam. "In your whole life you never asked me once if I wanted to drive." Sam said. "Just thought you might want to." Dean said. "Look man we're worried about you." I said. "I get it thank you but I'm just fine." Sam said. I sighed and took out my journal and wrote about Sam being back on the road with us. "Where are we?" Sam asked. "Just outside of Grand Junction." Dean said. "You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Standford so soon." Sam said. I sighed. "We dug around there for a week and found nothing." I said. "Trust me this thing coming back after 2o years is no mistake." Dean said. Dean has told me mom almost died to that thing when Sammy was a baby and then when I was a baby she died after child birth. "It's weird man, these coordinates dad sent us." Sam said. "Yeah what about them?" I asked. "They make no sense Balckwater Ridge is just woods." Sam said. "Well there can always be something creeping in the woods." I said smirking. "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?" Sam asked. "So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote?" Dean asked. "No shit Sherlock." I mumbled Sam looked at me. "Where was the sweet little girl I used to share the backseat with?" Sam asked. "I've spent ten years in a car and motel rooms with men who swear I'm bound to learn some words." I said. Dean laughed at me just saying that. We got to the sherif offices and walked in we looked and saw a picture of a huge bear. "That bear's huge." I said, causing Dean to turn around. "You're right Mae." Dean said. "And a dozen grizzlies in the area, it's no nature hike out there kids." A ranger said. "You three planning on hiking out to Blackwater Ridge?" The Ranger asked raising an eyebrow. "No we're environmental study majors at UC Boulder and she's his daughter." Sam said. "Recycle." Dean said. "Bull." The Ranger said not buying our lie. "You're friends with that Hailey girl aren't you." The Ranger said. "You got us." I said. "Ranger Wilkinson. Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying her won't be back from Blackwater Ridge until the 24th."  He said. "So it's not exactly a missing person's case yet?" I asked. "You tell that Haliey girl to quite worrying. I'm sure her brother is fine." Ranger Wilkinson said. "Well tell her that." Sam said. "That Haliey girl quite a pistol though." Ranger Wilkinson said. "Ya know a copy of that permit would help so she can just see it." I said. He nodded. We got it and got back in the Impala. "Okay so we talk to this Haliey girl?" I asked. "Yes." Dean said. "Still pretending to be your daughter?" I asked Dean. "Nah you can pretend to be mine to change it up." Sam said. I nodded. We got to her house and Sam took my hand I didn't mind one of them holding my hand they were my siblings. Dean knocked and a lady answered. "Hello?" She asked. "Are you Hailey Collins?" Sam asked. "Yes." She said. "I'm Sam, that's Dean and this is my daughter Mary. Dean and I are local rangers." Sam said. "How come you brought your daughter?" She asked looking at me. "It's take your child to work day." I said. She nodded. We walked in I saw a teenage boy who was looking down. "So if Tommy isn't due back for a few days, how do you know something's wrong?" Sam asked. "He checks in everyday by cell, He emails, photos, stupid little videos. He hasn't checked in three days." Hailey said. "Maybe he doesn't have cell reception." Dean said. "He has a satellite phone too." Hailey said. "Could he just be having fun and forgot to check in?" I asked. "He wouldn't do that." The teenage boy said. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and I." Hailey said. I nodded. "We all keep, pretty close tabs on each other." Hailey said. "Can we see the pictures he sent you." Sam said. "Sure." Hailey said opening her laptop and putting the pictures on hard drive. "Thank you Hailey." I said. We left and got back in the car. I sighed in content at the seat. I saw a white envelope. I decided to get it out. I got it out and saw my name written on it.
Isla Winchester
"Sammy, Dean how come there is a envelope with my middle name on it?" I asked. "It says your name open it." Dean said. I opened the envelope and found  a letter written.
Dear Isla,
I'm giving something to keep you safe from the monsters.
Love, mom
I looked at it surprised mom had something. I saw a anti possession necklace it was beautiful.

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