Shapeshifters Are A-holes

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Mary's POV
I was in the car of the impala my arm has been out of the cast for a week now and I was happy for it to be free and shower without a plastic bag over it. I looked over at Sam's phone. "Whatcha you looking at Sammy?" I asked scaring the shit out of him. "Damn Mae, just some of the texts from my friends from college." He said. "It's nice that you had friends." I said. "Which he shouldn't have." Dean said hearing our conversation. "It's not our fault your antisocial." I said. "Yes, but we hunt so no friends." Dean said, and that explains my lack of childhood friends plus I've never been to actual school. "Mae's right, you are antisocial." Sam said. I giggled. "Yeah, Yeah whatever." Dean said. I saw Sam was getting a call he left to go take it. "Here Mae." Dean said handing me a crunch bar, a bag of Cheetos, and a water bottle. "Thanks." I said and ate my food and chatted with Dean. "Let's go back to Standford." Sam said. "Why?" Dean asked. "My friend got arrested and his sister says it's impossible." Sam said. "Sounds supernatural let's go." I said. We got to his friend's house and he knocked. "Hi Sam." She said. "Hey Rebecca." Sam said. "Who is this cutie?" She said seeing me. "My baby sister Mary she's ten years old." Sam said. I waved. "Hi sweetheart I'm Rebecca are you hungry?" She asked. "I'm good, but thank you." I said. "Wow very polite." Rebecca said. I smiled. We walked in. "Nice place." Dean said. "It's my folks I'm staying here until Zack is free." Rebecca said. "Where are your parents?" Sam asked. "They live in Paris for half a year they're on their way back for the trial." Rebecca said. "So what happened exactly?" I asked. "Zack and I had a few drinks. He went home and found Emily bloody and not breathing. So he called 911 and when they came they arrested him, but Zack couldn't kill Emily it happened at 10:30 which he was here so unless he was in two places at once." Rebecca said crying. "Dean could help he's a police officer." I blurted out not thinking really. "Really?" She asked. We nodded. "Detective actually." Dean said. "Oh that'd be great." Rebecca said and hugged Dean and Sam and then me since I was really shorter than them. We got to the crime scene and saw the blood. "Are you sure she should be here?" Rebecca said looking at me. "May back to the car." Sam said looking at me with a 'Really expression'. I sighed and walked back to our car and got in pouting. I opened dad's journal and saw a picture of mom holding me with tears in her eyes happy. I flipped it to the back and read what it said.
Mary and our little girl 1995
I smiled that he kept a picture other two were of mom holding Sam and Dean. I put it back and continued to read it. I saw shapeshifters and read about them. "Shapeshifters." I said reading. I saw Sam and Dean get in. "Shapeshifters." I said as they closed the door. "What?" Dean asked. "Shapeshifters look." I said and handed him the journal. "She's right." Dean said. "We still have to see the security footage." Sam said. I nodded we got back to Rebecca's place and walked in. "Can I at least watch the footage?" I asked Sam and Dean. "Yes." Dean said Sam nodded. Rebecca opened her laptop and showed us the footage. "Did it show him coming out?" I asked Rebecca. "No Mary it didn't." Rebecca said. "Can we take those beers now Rebecca?" Dean asked. She nodded leaving. I saw Matt texted me.
Matt:So Mary what are you doing?
Mary:Solving a case with my brothers. Sadly not aloud to see a crime scene.
Matt:You've seen a human skull isn't that enough?
Mary:I've also seen a guy's body after he got mauled.
Matt:I'm so robbing a bank with you.
I chuckled over a week of texts Matt and I became pretty good friends. "Hey come on we think there are tracks to follow." Dean said. I nodded we drove back to the house and saw the tracks at the back of the house. We saw a piece of skin on a pipe that went into a sewer. "Come on." Dean said. We went down and looked around using flashlights. "I think we're close to its lair." Dean said. "No shit." I said looking around. "Why do you say that?" Sam asked. "Look." I said pointing my flashlight to the pile clothes. "Also, because there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face." Dean said pointing his flashlight to it. "Oh, God!" Sam yelled disgusted. "Looks like it's lived here for a while." I said looking around. "Who knows how many murders he's gotten away with." Sam said. I looked and saw the shapeshifter in the form of an Asian man behind Dean. "Dean!" I yelled, making him turn around the shapeshifter ran so I tried shooting him missing. Dean tripped and fell. "Get the son of a bitch!" Dean yelled getting up. We chased the shapeshifter out of the sewer but lost him. "All right, let's split up." I said. "All right, I'll meet you two around the other side." Dean said. "Okay Dean." I said. "Mae stick close to me." Sam said. "I know." I said to him. We couldn't find it anywhere. "Did it just disappear?" I asked. "Maybe." Sam said not finding it. "Hey." We turned seeing Dean. "Anything?" Dean asked. "Nope." We said. "All right, let's get back to the car." Dean said. "Okay." We said and walked back to the car. "You think he found another way underground?" Sam asked. "Or he found another person to turn into." I said causing Dean to stiffen I gave him a confused look. "Yeah, probably what Sam said. You got the keys?" Dean asked Sam. Wait, Dean had the keys last I knew Sam took out the keys but I decided to ask a question so I took the keys. "Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" I asked Dean. "Oh, that was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter, it was a thought form. A psychic projection, remember?" Dean asked. Sam took the keys from me. "All right here you go." Sam said and then noticed me feeling uncomfortable, I knew it wasn't Dean. The shapeshifter looked in the trunk and laughed. I took my gun out. "Don't move!" I yelled. The shapeshifter turned around Sam also had his gun out. "What have you done with him?" Sam asked now knowing it wasn't Dean. "Dudes, chill. It's me, all right?" The shapeshifter said. "No, we don't think so. Where's our brother?" Sam said. "You're about to shoot him. Sam, Mary, calm down." The shapeshifter said, Okay now I know it's not Dean he usually calls me Mae or Isla. "You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt." Sam said. "Plus you called me Mary." I said. "Yeah, it's better. What do you want me to do, cry? Plus you're about to shoot me." The shapeshifter said to us. "You're not our brother. He never calls Mae, Mary." Sam said now knowing this. "Why don't you two pull the trigger, then? Hm? 'Cause you two are not sure. Dudes, you know me." The shapeshifter said smirking. He was right it may not be Dean but it looks like him. I suddenly got hit in the head and went unconscious. I woke up chained to a mattress. "What the hell?" I asked trying to get free. "Don't even try." I looked and saw the shapeshifter in Dean's form. Okay it's official shapeshifters are a-holes. "Let me go." I said. "No sweetheart. You see your beautiful and your gonna make me feel so good." He said. "Let me go." I said now really pissed off. "Well people obviously never taught you manners." He said and kissed me and stopped. I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Shut up whore." He said slapping me, it stung and felt like it started bleeding. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't in the form of Dean and raping me. I cried it opened my shirt and smiled. "Wow so young and pretty." He said looking at my training bra. He was pulling down my leggging when I heard gun shots and saw him falling to the ground. I looked and saw Sam and Dean. "Sammy!" I yelled wanting my one older brother's comfort. He unchained me and helped me pull up my leggings and my top. I wanted to be picked up so he did. I cried in his shoulder. "Shh it's fine Mae, it's all over." Sam whispered trying to calm me down. "He tried to rape her?" Dean asked looking at me position. "I mean it's what it looked like." Sam said. We got back to the car Sam said in the back with me. It was daytime and I was much better still weary of Dean but not so much I'm velcroed to Sam. Dean was looking at a map. "Mae did he really try to in my form?" Dean asked. I nodded. "Mae I'd never do that to you." Dean said. "I know Dean." I said. Him calling me Mae helped me know he's not the shapeshifter. "So, this is what you do? You and your brother and sister hunt down these kinds of things?" Rebecca asked. I walked up to them. She saw the bruise on my cheek and a small cut from the slap the a-hole gave me. "Yeah, pretty much." Sam said wrapping his arm around me. "I can't believe it. I mean, I saw it with my own eyes. And, I mean, does everybody at school—nobody knows that you do this?" Rebecca asked. "No." Sam said. "Did Jessica know?" Rebecca asked Sam. "No, she didn't." Sam said. "Must be lonely and hard with a kid." Rebecca said looking at me. "Oh, no. No, it's not so bad especially when the kid knows how to shoot a shotgun. Anyway, what can I do? It's my family." Sam said looking at me. "Yell at dad for teaching me it." I said referring to the gun. Rebecca laughed. "Well, you know, Zack and me, and everybody at school—we really miss you." Rebecca said and pulled Sam into a hug. "Yeah, me too." Sam said sadly. "Well, will you call sometime?" Rebecca asked. "It might not be for a little while." Sam said to her. She nodded and hugged me. "Don't get hurt." She said to me. "Hey after this incident nothing terrifies me." I said. She nodded waving goodbye to us. We walked over to the car. "So, what about your friend, Zack?" Dean asked him. "Cops are blamin' this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder. They found the murder weapon in the guy's lair, Zack's clothes stained with her blood. Now they're thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, Becca says Zack will be released soon." Sam said smirking making me laugh. Now Dean's a wanted a man not the first time. Dean rolled his eyes. We were now in the car driving. "Sorry, man." Dean said suddenly. "About what?" Sam asked. "I really wish things could be different, you know? I wish you could just be....Joe College." Dean said. "No, that's okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in." Sam said. "Well, that's 'cause you're a freak." Dean said. "Yeah, thanks." Sam said rolling his eyes at Dean. "Well, I'm a freak, too. I'm right there with ya, all the way." I said trying to make him feel better Sam and Dean laughed. "Yeah, we know you are." Sam said to me. "You know, I gotta say—I'm sorry I'm gonna miss it." Dean said. "Miss what?" I asked. "How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?" Dean asked. I rolled my eyes. "I bet you want to spit on the grave of the asshole." I said he nodded and drove away.

A\N:Done and I'm on Easter Break so I finished this for an Easter gift. Later though I have to go to a wedding.

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