Reader info/ a/n

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Reader cheats:
(Cn) is your cute nickname
(Yn) is your name ( ur actual one or a made up one)
(Mn) is your middle name (if u don't have one then ignore this)
(Ln) is your last name ( ur actual one or a made up one)
(Fc) is your favorite color
(Hc) is your hair color
(Ec) is your eye color
Sorry to say but your hair length is already decided as it 1) makes it easier for me to write and 2) less cheats to remember.
Your background is also already decided by me (sorry) and it is a little dark (it gets darker with time)

(Yn) was born in the Horde, and grew under the wing of Lord Hordak. He trusted her completely, and once she was old enough (6 y/o), she was forced to train and fight. However, instead of fighting she used pure strategy and distractions to avoid throwing fists. Hordak was impressed and sent (Yn) to the Horde's library. After reading half the books in two years, Hordak soon learned of (Yn)'s photographic memory. He used this to his advantage, giving her maps to memorize and made her watch other cadets train to help with battle plans. When (Yn) was just ten, she was became a large part of many victories for the Evil Horde. As she kept growing, she read more and more books in the library, looking at maps and memorizing the terrain of all the lands. At age 12, all the books have been read and (Yn) could recite any of them by memory; her brain being filled with many random facts, she was slightly popular with the kids her age. She quickly told Hordak about her lack of things to read, and he sent her off to find the First Ones library (the one that is owned by Bow's parents), alone. Since (Yn) knows everything about basically everything, she still had a hard time navigating the Whispering Woods. Meaning she got lost. Luckily, Hordak wanted her to stay and study, which means she has food and water to keep her alive for months.
Bow was on his way to Bright Moon to hang out with Glimmer, but met a stranded and messy haired (Yn). At first, no one wanted her, as she explained who she was and where she came from. But she quickly convinced the queen that she can be useful since she has photographic memory. She also knows of Hordak's most recent plans. They agreed to let her stay, and she became a big part of the rebellion. Hordak didn't know of (Yn)'s switch till the rebellion defeated them in the Horde's next battle. He grew furious and sent Shadow Weaver to kill her, but was unable to as (Yn) was able to figure out a way to avoid Shadow Weaver and send her back to the Fright Zone. She was given full respect and complete access to their library. She gained a friendship with the princess of Bright Moon, Glimmer and her best friend, Bow. (Yn) never trained to fight, only her mind grew. By the time the show starts, there is only about thirty out of the thousands of books she hasn't yet read.

(Yn) is usually stoic and doesn't like much attention on her. However, she does start to open up to others and she becomes very happy as the show continues.
Seems cold hearted, but she is really caring, it just wasn't noticeable back at the Fright Zone since everyone treated her as a Force Captain and didn't want to get close to her.
She feels that she doesn't need help when trying to do something that pushes her limit, as she was told to not trust anyone, but Glimmer and Bow constantly help her when ever she has a problem.
Sadly, (Yn) is short, she fits comfortably underneath Adora's chin (about), and she needs help reaching books at all times. Usually, a guard will help but if she is reading late into the night, Glimmer or Bow would help and make sure she is soon laid down for bed.
(Yn) always answers questions in the most bluntest way possible, not really caring if what she says causes any harm. But the pair of best friends taught her to care.
Her voice is usually soft, and has never been raised over a mezzo piano volume. But if she gets really riled up, which is super rare as she knows how to calm herself, she can get really loud.
Her past doesn't bother her much (as she can tell it with a straight face and no delay), but if anyone asks about how she felt, she fumbles. Ask anyone else about her past, and they can literally feel the sympathy and pity coming off them.
(Yn) was never one for emotions, but she really hates pity, as she knows how smart she is, one of the brightest, and she believes she doesn't deserve to be pitied by anyone.
(Yn) loves the respect she has, but sometimes it can be overbearing, and can cause her to stress out. She doesn't have ptsd, but she might as well have from all the pressure she dealt with at the Fright Zone and with Lord Hordak.
(Yn) is a nerd, just as much as Entrapta, but she doesn't do experiments and doesn't live off tiny foods and have robots to help her with everything.
She loves showing off how smart she is, which really annoys everyone else.
For most battles, (Yn) would stay behind, since she can't really fight against many soldiers and doesn't want Shadow Weaver to have a chance of killing her. Queen Angela has been trying to get her to learn but is scared she might start to have ptsd from her past.
(Yn) does know sign language, but doesn't use it often. She mostly used it while in the fright zone. She read about it and even taught Hordak so he can understand her.

This is all I can come up with for reader's past and her personality. Hope you enjoy what comes next!

I own nothing, except for reader and her background and inputs to any and all situations from the Netflix original series "She-ra and the Princesses of Power", which I don't own. I own the ideas, not the show.

If I make any mistakes while writing this, please speak up, as I always seem to mess up somewhere. My brain can miss something since I read things I have written too fast. If there is a grammar error, please comment about it and I will fix it when I'm free. Please point out my mishaps nicely, as in "Hey, I think this should be 'there' and not 'their'." Not super rude like, "Haha! Lol lmao u hella messed up that part!" It's rude and I will delete the comment and block you.
Please be nice to others and if this gets really long. Please don't spoil anything in earlier chapters, that ruins the fun for others who just started to read this. And although everyone knows about any and all events that happen, since this is based off a show, that doesn't really mean to skim through each chapter. I worked really hard, and so have many other authors on this app, but really try to read all the words I type. If you can't, and this book seems boring to you then you should find something else to satisfy you. Don't take this the wrong way, but I can get really passionate about this stuff.

Whoo! So sorry about that rant. Anyway, please be safe and I hope you enjoy this fan fiction, you weeb.

(I updated her height and added a cool skill into her personality. 8/24/19)

Protect her. (Adora fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin