|| Eighteen ||

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Amongst the shouting cultists, Prompto ran through them and headed to where the drop ship pieces were. Half of the ship smashed through the southern wall while the other half crashed a few yards from the same wall. Smaller pieces of metal were scattered around the fort from the immense explosion. He knew the lightning belonged to (Y/n) by how powerful the strike was.

"(Y/n)!" He shouted as he checked the debris for his lover. He received no response, but that didn't stop him from searching. Avoiding the flames, he checked under the pieces of metal thoroughly before moving on to the next half of the ship. Treading lightly, he avoided the large pieces of concrete that were in the ship due to where it crashed in the southern wall.

While searching for Famine amongst the remains of the drop ship, a sudden chill shot down his spine as the temperature dropped all around him. Not even the flames erupting from the destroyed ship warmed him. Alongside the chill, he noticed the entire fort had gone silent. All the screaming and echoes of running footsteps were no more.

Prompto's brows knitted together in confusion as he jumped down from the debris and scanned the interior of the fort. He gasped when he saw all the cult members were encased in ice, resembling sculptures. He weaves through a few frozen cultists before stopping in his tracks when he heard a heavy sigh. "Dear Astrals, I think I went overboard with the ice..."

The blonde searched the sea of ice sculptures for the owner of the voice and found (Y/n) standing a few yards away, glancing around at the frozen men and women. He kicked into high-gear and ran to her. When he reached her, he nearly tackled her to the ground as he embraced her from behind. He heard her gasp as he buried his face into the crook of her neck. "Thank the Six..." He sighed, his warm breath grazing against her neck.

She wiggles around in his arms until she was facing him. "Are you okay? Ardyn threw you pretty hard."

"I'm fine," he reassures. "W-What about you? How'd you survive the explosion?"

"Oh, that was thanks to—"

"Moi," a feminine voice giggled. Prompto lifted his head and spotted Pestilence a few feet away. "Barriers are one of my specialties."

Suddenly, the door leading to the underground portion of the fort swung open. Gladio's and Ignis' eyes widen as they see all the frozen cultists. "What the hell...?" The shield muttered in bewilderment.

"(Y/n) may have put too much mana into her ice spell," Pestilence smiled at the two men.

"I've no idea how you can control a vast amount of mana," Famine sighed. "I'll leave the spells to you."

"So, uh..." Prompto glanced around at the frozen bodies. "What're we gonna do with them?"

"Just leave 'em," Gladio said. "They're lucky to still be alive."

"Wait..." Ignis called out to them. "Do you hear that?"

All eyes fell on the advisor. Pestilence blinked owlishly in confusion and tilted her head slightly. "What do you hear, Ignis?"

"A low growling," he replied, glancing around the fort. "It sounds rather familiar."

"This fort might hold more secrets than we know. Let's look around to see what else is hidden from plain sight," (Y/n) said. The others agreed and split into two groups—Prompto and Famine together with Gladio, Ignis, and Pestilence forming the other.

The gunslinger and the golden-haired Horseman searches the western and southern portions of Fort Vaullerey while Gladio, Ignis, and Pestilence checked the eastern and northern parts.

An hour passed as they checked every nook and cranny. While checking one of the walls, (Y/n) discovered a small indenture that blended in with the wall. She called Prompto over before pushing against the indenture and listened as a mechanism was triggered. Stone grinding against stone caught their attention as they saw the wall in front of them recede, revealing a hidden passage. The couple exchanged baffled expressions, admiring their discovery.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now