|| Nine ||

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The next morning when Prompto woke up, he realized he and (Y/n) were in the same position as when he fell asleep the night prior. When he lifted his head from her chest to look up at her face, he noticed she was asleep. "What...?" He gasped in shock. He remembered her saying the Four Horsemen didn't need sleep, but that didn't mean she couldn't sleep.

Slowly and gently in order to not disturb (Y/n), Prompto removed his arms from around her and maneuvered out of her own embrace. When he saw her blissful sleeping face, he couldn't help but admire her beauty.

With a smile, Prompto brushed a few of her golden strands behind her ear that were obscuring his sight of her. He pecked her on the cheek before pushing himself off the hard ground. He made sure he still had his handgun and the summoning orb before leaving the haven.

He didn't even make one footprint in the snow before (Y/n) woke up. "Where're you going this early in the morning?" She slowly pushed her body up into a sitting position, glancing over her shoulder at him.

"I was gonna take a short walk and clear my head a little," he confesses.

(Y/n) could tell he wasn't lying and nodded with a smile. "Okay. I'll be here waiting for you. Stay safe, Prompto."

The boy smiled in return, grateful for her understanding. He was overjoyed to have such an incredible girl by his side who is willing to stick with him and confess she still loves him after learning the truth about his true origin. His heart raced with pure joy as he trekked through the snow, happy to know she'd be there whenever he needed her and vice versa.

(Y/n) watched Prompto trudge through the snow before turning her attention to the fire. It had extinguished something during the night, but neither of them noticed. She relit the campfire in a desperate attempt to stay warm in Prompto's absence.

As she was rubbing her hands together, Aranea came and sat beside her. The ex-mercenary stared into the dancing flames as she huffed a sigh. "So, how's loverboy doin'?"

"Fine. He went for a short walk to clear his head."

"Glad someone's here to whip his ass into shape." Aranea tore her eyes from the fire and eyed (Y/n). "What's a Horseman doing on Eos, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be some kinda fairytale?"

"We're no fairytale. Sometimes I wish we were, though. My sisters and I left the Inner Sanctum in search of the monsters that managed to escape. Once we take down our targets, we'll be granted passage back to the Inner Sanctum. Someone's gotta keep the other monsters from escaping."

"These monsters you're looking for... what are they?"

"The Phantom Knight and the Gashadokuro. I've encountered the Knight, but not the other. It is concerning since the Gashadokuro is the one I'm most worried about."

Aranea's eyes narrowed at hearing the mouthful of a name. "That damn thing in the capital isn't a daemon?"

Famine's eyes widen when hearing her question. "Hold on... What do you mean?"

"That Gasha-whatever is currently being held in Gralea. The lovely chancellor plans to try and control it," the older woman explains.

Horror pumped through her veins as she remembered where the others were heading. "Noctis and the others are heading to the capital... There's no way they'll survive an encounter with that thing."

"How dangerous is this thing?" Aranea shrugged.

"Let's just say no human has ever faced the Gashadokuro and survived. There's no way a mortal could slay such a monster."

"It even had me shaking in my boots when I first saw it. The chancellor's lost his damn mind if he thinks he'll be able to control it. The empire's done some crazy shit, but I think this tops everything."

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now