|| Seventeen ||

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Prompto couldn't believe how close the cult's base of operation was to Old Lestallum. It explained why so many bodies were found near Fort Vaullerey and Lestallum. What shocked him even more was how no one noticed anyone entering or exiting the fort this past month.

As he crossed the bridge into Old Lestallum, he glanced back at the large structure and noticed how quiet it looked from the exterior. From where he stood, it seemed abandoned and lifeless. In actuality, it was now home to a group of murderers. Now he knew exactly why no one suspected anyone to be occupying an abandoned imperial base.

Safely in the small town, he sighed in relief seeing the lights that kept the daemons from pummeling Old Lestallum into nothingness. He found a few hunters gathered around their truck and ran over. He decided to keep Fort Vaullerey a secret and asked his fellow hunters for a ride to Meldacio. Fortunately, they told him to hop in and they departed from the small town. He begged them to drive faster as he felt his concern for (Y/n) rise with every passing minute.

Arriving at Meldacio HQ, Prompto leapt out of the vehicle and shouted for Dave as he ran. He found the man at the small eatery and didn't waste a second, skipping right to the point. "T-The cultists... Their base is Fort Vaullerey!"

"Whoa!" Dave yelled over the frantic blonde. "Calm down, son. Tell me what happened."

"(Y/n) and I were captured by cultists. T-They took us to Fort Vaullerey. I managed to escape, but she's still trapped in there! We've gotta save her!"

Dave placed a hand on the young man's shoulder to calm him down. "We will bring 'er back, Prompto. I'll gather a group of hunters and we'll head out as soon as we're done with preparation."

As he waited for Dave to return, he paced back and forth frantically as he ran his hands through his blonde locks. He didn't notice Gladio or Ignis as his attention was solely focused on (Y/n). He felt someone smack him on the back lightly, stopping him from pacing. "Iggy just arrived and we both heard what happened. We'll get (Y/n) back, Prompto."

Prompto nodded while biting his bottom lip. He wanted to attempt to distract himself for a little while and looked at the advisor. "Hey, Iggy. Haven't seen you in a long while. How's the eyes treating ya?"

"All is well. The scars have mended and eyesight is intact. Minus a few repercussions of the elixir, all went well," the tactician responds. "A second chance at sight-granted by Pestilence."

"Glad to hear it," Prompto said. "I can't even imagine losing my eyesight."

Gladio smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "If you did lose your eyesight, you wouldn't be able to see your "goddess" ever again."

Prompto gasped at the shield's words. "I wouldn't be able to bask in her beauty, her smile, o-or her-!"

"Legs?" The brute smugly grinned. "I told her how much you love looking at her legs in her normal attire."

"Wha-dude! Seriously?! Why would you do that?!" Prompto wailed. "She probably thinks I'm a creep now for staring at her legs..."

"You're her boyfriend." Gladio slung an arm across the younger boy's shoulders. "Pretty sure that gives you permission to look all you want."

"Unless the lady protests," Ignis added. "Do respect her privacy, though, Prompto. Keep the peeking to a minimum."

With the topic flipping back to (Y/n), the worry bubbled in his chest. He nodded with a frown, staring down at the ground. "I just hope she's okay. It's all because of Ardyn!"

"How so?" Ignis asked.

"They said a weirdo with a strange sense of fashion, velvet hair, and amber eyes provided what they needed to capture her. He's the only other person who knows (Y/n)'s a Horseman besides you, me, Gladio, Dave, and... Noct."

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now