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A/n: Didn't plan for this chapter to be 3,000 words since my target for each chapter is at least 2,500. I couldn't find a good place to end it and that's why this part is longer than other chapters. Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!!

Aranea runs off out of sight while Prompto and (Y/n) continue to stare in horror at the immense machine. "So that's the "new model"... And that means... he must be inside that thing," the boy mumbled, taking a few steps back. The snow crunches under his boots as he moved to stand beside Famine.

Then, Aranea pulls up beside the couple on a snowmobile. Unlike the one she drove to the complex, this one was mounted with a large machine gun on the back. "Hop on!"

(Y/n) promptly summoned Limos and mounted her, riding alongside the snowmobile. Prompto hops on as Aranea drives them away from the research facility with the Godslayer in hot pursuit. "Ready for round two?" The ex-mercenary questioned.

Prompto grabs hold of the gun's firing mechanism. "You bet!"

The Horseman maneuvers her body until she's standing on Limos' back. "Let's take this thing down!" (Y/n) easily kept her balance as her steed kept pace with the snowmobile.

When Prompto saw her position, he stared in amazement. "How're you doing that?!"

"Eighty years of practice!" She replied with a smirk. "Now focus on the target!"


Verstael speaks from within Immortalis as he pursues Prompto, (Y/n), and Aranea. "Long have I waited to smite the world that denied me the glory I rightly deserve-and now, all shall tremble before me, man and maker alike!"

"If that's really him..." Prompto began, resting his hands on the trigger of the machine gun.

"That maniac's taken "biological warfare" to the next level," Aranea finished.

"Then I want to be the one to take him down," Prompto declared.

"I'm right beside you, Chocobutt!" She yelled back with a giggle.

"Wha-not you, too!" He wailed at hearing the teasing nickname.

"Let's take down this oversized trash can!"

Prompto nodded, pushing the nickname to the back of his mind. "Let's do this!" He immediately began unloading bullets into the Godslayer, aiming for its core.

(Y/n) held out both hands, rotating them in a circle and creating a large fireball. She tossed it towards the machine, earning a bulls-eye. She mentally cheered but deflated when the machine disappeared underground. "Are you serious? Is it an earthworm?"

"Certainly looks like one," Aranea commented.

Suddenly, they felt the ground shake underneath them. (Y/n) squatted down to brace herself in order to prevent from falling off Limos. She glanced behind them just as the machine bursted from the ground. The Horseman returned to her normal height and prepared another fireball, listening to the rattling of the machine gun. Instead of the center, she aimed it at one of the seven drills encircling the core.

Prompto aimed at the drill she targeted and fired, destroying it and watching the small pieces crash into the snow. "Alright!" He cheered. "One down, six to go!"

"If we take out the components, it won't be able to burrow underground," (Y/n) spoke. Seeing as it would take too much mana to keep using her fire spell over and over again, she summoned her sword and mounted Limos properly. "Hope you're ready for some jumping, girl. We're taking the fight to that tin can."

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now