Chapter Twenty-Four

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       Stars specked the clear deep blue sky. A warm green-leaf breeze stirred the long grass. The lake's reflection consisted of different shades of beautiful dark blues, and reflected blazing stars. Pebbles lined the shore, and the water lapped lazily at the edges.
       Aspenrose looked out over the lake. She lay with her paws tucked underneath her and her tail wrapped around her. She glanced down at her reflection, and thought she caught sight of white fur. She turned her head, but no one was beside her. Another warm breeze stirred her fur, but brought a slight whisper with it.
       "Everything happens for a reason," the familiar voice seemed to say.
       Aspenrose let herself ponder on the idea. Was Silverleaf talking about her death? Did she mean to say it was her time to join StarClan? Surely she was hinting at something more; although Aspenrose mourned her Clanmate's loss, she had never questioned why StarClan had taken Silverleaf.
       Something shifted inside Aspenrose's thoughts, something dark and cold and distant, and it pierced her heart. She isn't speaking of her own death. Pain leaped through Aspenrose silently and quickly, as if the wind had penetrated her soul. She's talking about my prophecy.
       The sun was rising in the distance, creating a canvas of colors. No clouds blocked out the wonderful sight. The day was clear, warm, and calm. Aspenrose hid herself in the tall grass, waiting for her time. 
       She peered through the blades to catch a glimpse of her tabby and white friend. Addertuft was stalking something, crouching, and waiting for the right moment to strike.
She strode forward, long legs carrying her quickly after the rabbit. Aspenrose waited. Addertuft was almost a tail-length away from the rabbit by the time she reached Aspenrose's hiding spot.
Addertuft slowed slightly, and veered to the side so that the rabbit headed straight toward Aspenrose. Aspenrose sprang out of the grass, landing blindly and tumbling down a nearby slope.
Aspenrose came to a sprawling stop, tangled in her own legs and tail. The rabbit shot past her daringly, as if willing her to chase it.
"Get it, mouse-brain!" Addertuft's call was full of amusement and laughter from the top of the slope.
Aspenrose scrambled to her paws, rushing after the cheeky rabbit. Addertuft caught up to her. They were both almost on top of the rabbit. Addertuft sprang forward, but the rabbit dove sideways and dashed away.
Addertuft landed in a clump of tall grass, and Aspenrose came to a rolling halt, landing in the grass beside her friend. They took one look at each other before Addertuft burst out in laughter.
"Clumsy furball!" Addertuft gave Aspenrose a playful prod.
Her hazel eyes were full of tears from the overwhelming laughter. Aspenrose smiled.
It was mid-day. The sun blazed overhead, the cloudless sky a shade of light blue. Aspenrose lay outside the rock cleft, in the shade of the rise above. Addertuft padded into the camp with Jaggedswirl. The handsome tom was smiling, black tail intertwined with Addertuft's.
"Can we have everybody's attention?" Jaggedswirl stood facing the slowly gathering cats around him. Aspenrose didn't move, afraid of what lay ahead.
"Addertuft and I have been friends for a while and...," his wonderful copper eyes met Aspenrose's best friend's hazel eyes. "It's pretty exciting, well — we've decided to become mates!"
Meows of congratulation erupted around the camp. Duskspots brimmed with pride for her son, and Harestar went to congratulate him and his daughter.
Aspenrose felt distant; the voices faded and all she could see was darkness: all she could hear was her own heart pounding inside her chest. Copper eyes filled her mind, and when she opened her eyes, reality hit her.
It was real. This was real. They were real, together. Aspenrose could feel her heart crumble, and her feelings melt inside her; but she put on a fake smile and forced her eyes to be warm and inviting, and she went to congratulate her friend.

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