Chapter One

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       "Go," Aspenpaw bounded through the trees at her mentor's signal. This is it, my first ever assessment. A sinking feeling tugged at her. Nothing felt right as she raced through ThunderClan territory, slowing to a stop as she reached the lake. The black water lapped at the stone-covered shore. A warm green-leaf breeze rippled the surface.
Aspenpaw lifted her muzzle, taking in the scent of mouse with her jaws. She spotted it scuffling through the grass near the roots of a beech tree. Aspenpaw crouched. She stalked forward on light paws.
Then she pounced, landing clumsily to one side of the mouse. It squeaked in fear and darted away. Aspenpaw scrambled after it, catching it a couple heartbeats later and giving it the killing bite. She swished her tail in satisfaction.
Aspenpaw glanced up at the clear blue sky. The bright sun shined brightly. Aspenpaw sighed. Her father, Jaywatcher, wanted her to become a medicine cat apprentice. Aspenpaw loved the idea of herbs and speaking with StarClan, but she just couldn't stand the blood. A thought struck her. But being a warrior means causing blood to spill in battle.
       She turned her attention back to the sky above. Something caught Aspenpaw's eyes. A small red object was falling from the sky. A leaf? But it was green-leaf, so the leaves couldn't be red yet. So what was it..?
       It drifted in the slight breeze, gliding slowly to the ground. It landed softly before Aspenpaw. She reached down, touching it lightly with her nose. A rose petal. Aspenpaw cocker her head. Why would a rose petal fall from the sky. She shook herself. The assessment. Her focus should be on the assessment.
         Aspenpaw turned, tail swishing. She scraped dirt over her prey, and trotted toward the heart of the forest, leaving the rose petal to flutter in the wind.

I know this chapter was a little short, but I wanted to post something today and this is what I came up with. I want to let you guys know this story is just for fun so there will be some mistakes along the way and the story line won't be perfect. But please, enjoy!•

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