Chapter Twenty

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Dusk started to settle over the lake and surrounding territories. Pinkish clouds drifted lazily overhead. Deep in the heart of the moor lied the WindClan camp.
"Have you had any dreams from StarClan lately?" Aspenrose looked up at her dark ginger mentor.
"No," Aspenrose let her ears flick back at her own lie.
"I haven't either," Firepool sighed. "Not even at the Moonpool. StarClan is silent; too silent."
Aspenrose nodded in agreement, shame burning in her chest. The words Driftfrost had spoken came back to her like a whisper in the breeze. If the wind blows and a Swirling storm shall cover the Moon, seek answers where your heart truly lies.
What does it mean? Aspenrose glanced up at Firepool. If I tell her she could help me figure it out... Aspenrose shook her head slightly to herself. She was worried it had something to do with Jaggedswirl, but she couldn't figure out what it meant.
"I need some air," Aspenrose commented. Without waiting for a reply, she trotted out of the rock cleft and into the camp clearing. Dusk was approaching, the sky turning a light shade of purples and pinks.
Aspenrose searched the camp with an icee gaze. She found the cat she was looking for next to the fresh-kill pile. Before Aspenrose could make a move toward her friend, she noticed that Addertuft had her hazel eyes fixed intensely on something in the distance.
Aspenrose followed Addertuft's gaze to the returning evening patrol. Harestar led the patrol with Duskspots and her apprentice, Brackenpaw. Crystalflame and Mallowpaw followed, with one more unmistakable cat bringing up the rear.
As the patrol broke apart, Addertuft's gaze followed one cat in particular. Aspenrose's insides twisted and rolled like a raging storm.
Her friend's stare had been set on Aspenrose's one longing, Jaggedswirl. And as he approached the fresh-kill pile, his deep copper eyes met her's and sparkled.

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