Chapter 6: This Guy~

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Lucy's POV

I was heading to the corner of our hallway,we have a special something,I sat at the very back since I was late,later in more of the late girls came,we were too many that it blocked some path,so they moved to the corner like the teacher said,and I was alone at the back,then the teacher made Salamander sit beside me!

He won't even look!

This Guy~

Time skip

I was at my chair,doing some of the projects,Salamander was going around finding a ruler,and guess what? I left my shitty ruler at home!he'll never ask me~

He was down at my aisle,one more person and it's me,he asked that one more person,here he comes! and left,WHAT?!

This Guy~

Time skip

What's up with Salamander going to my side every time?As in like,it was P.E. class and my group was at the other side of the court,Salamanders group was beside us,but were still quite far,he would go near me and stuff,hmmm..

He's just catching the ball

This Guy~

Time skip

I was sitting in class,drawing and sketching on my pad,using my ballpen as always,I of course felt sleepy,so I placed my stuff down and fell asleep..not!

The teacher got mad!I was trying to stop myself from smirking! why? I was simply impressed by how he handles things,I mean seriously,out of all the students,he saw me feeling sleepy and all hell breaks loose?!I was to blame since all of my other classmates got caught,but seriously,feelibg sleepy and you loose your temper is simply amazing!the teacher is very-I say-very observant if he saw me feeling sleepy..

And Salamander was impressed because he was known as 'Class Trouble'

This Guy~

Time skip

I most certainly cannot believe this,just because my house-or mansions like place-is near school,doesn't mean they get to go to my house! 3 groups will be working together for a filming project in Drama class,and since my house is big and near,they chose it,great,my uncle has some semi-naked women portrayed in out house,and my mother has some...inapropriate books,she's an adult!what can I say?I accidentally read it because I got bored..

And one of the groups are:






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