Chapter 1:Lucys Normal Day

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Lucy's POV

I have a bestfriend,she's in another class,and we've been bestfriends since grade 4 so that makes 5 years of our friendship,1 week from now is our anniversary,hope I can find a nice gift for her yet again,though she can't say the same since she always gives me expensive ones,and I give her cheap fake plastics,ugh!

It's fine it's the 5th,I have to give her something the same,not that I'm poor or anything,truth is I'm more rich as I'll ever be,she lived a life of luxury and so did I,but she ain't like me,I stayed locked up in my room all the time,she went around the world and was always outgoing,exactly why she has tons of friends,and I have a lot too,but I never make the first move,I stay quiet and shy,I don't like getting into tons of drama,like the others,I simply have a normal life,well rich normal luxurious life,no drama,no anything,an I want it that way,until my friend kept having tons of crushes and moves in immidietly.

HECK! she had a boyfriend at the 3rd grade,and I wasn't her bestest friend yet,and her parents never knew about them dating,she is most certainly not a good role model,and she's younger than me for 2 years!

And she already had her first boyfriend at the 3rd grade?! crazy was written all over my life since I've been friends with her,though,life gave me a turn when I met him,I would feel jealous and blush around when she usually mentions him,can't blame her,that was her first crush since we graduated.

Life is such a pain,and I love it.

I was walking through the halls going to my classroom,and guess what? he's my classmate again,and so is his childhood friend,I don't really understand their relationship,but it seems like they always flirt around and stuff.

I sat at my seat,mear the window,the window is always covered in blue curtains,thats why I hate it when all I see is a flashing royal blue around the classroom,and beside our classroom is a beautiful medium sized garden,opening the curtain would mean seeing beauty at a hell hole called school.

I would usually be drawing or doing something by now,but I guess I seem sort'a excited that the school will celebrate its anniversary of its launching . Classes should start any minute now,first subject,Mathematics.

Time skip

It's break time,I went to the canteen at our usual table,she doesn't seem to be there,so I waited and played with my phone,a scary game.


"Kyaah!"I screamed and turned around,I saw my best friend,Ella Ashley(A/N: Imagine Edo Lucy,that is her,made up name).

"Stop doing that every time I get out first"I told her.

"Hey,is Salamander present?"she asked me and sat beside me.

"Yeah he is,why? you still like him?"I teased with sly grin.

"No! I've moved on,anyway I'm gonna buy"she blushed and went to buy food,I simply stayed put and waited for her to come back.

"What did you guys do in Science?"I asked

"Project making again,hand picked partners too"she grunted and continued eating her fries,swaying them around as she talked to me.

"You should go and buy now,you don't have much time left"Elle came back and sat at her seat.

"Sure,I'm gonna buy,bye"I told her and ran to get some food,bought food,ran back and sat down.

"So what did you guys do in Math?"she asked and our conversation started.

Time skip

I said goodbye to Elle and headed to class,which was Science,my favorite.

It was quite long and boring,all I did was scribble down things,and draw from time to time,I'm smart and all,logic and stuff is with me,but academics are way off,I simply can't handle it,I have 4 stacked up projects and I'm too lazy to do them,plus I'm also secretly an author,no one knows except me,not my friends,not my family,I never shared secrets,it's too risky to tell,plus,I've told thousands of lies,and I love keeping secrets,even others,now we have another project,5 projects stacked up now then.

"Alright everyone,I'll partner you with your opposite gender,now I don't want any complaints"Our teacher told us,some had grunts and some had excited squeals.

"Alright let's start,..."She started and continued on and on,I didn't listen I was drifting off and staring out of the world,that I didn't notice that the teacher has already called my name.

"Lucy Heartfilia,and Natsu Dragneel"she said,WHAT?!??!?

"Okay,everyone is done,any complaints?"the teacher asked sternly,I always had complaints but never tried to protest,but why with SALAMANDER?!?!?!

"Okay,since there are no protest-thank goodness to that-go to your partners and you'll all start working on your project,you have 2 weeks to complete it,so you better start discussing"the teacher said and did slime of her work while Salamander walked over to me.

"How are we gonna do this?"he asked me,this is the 3rd time he ever talked to me.

"I don't know,I'll work on the designs and stuff,but I'll work out as much as you will"I replied,I tried to make this as normal as possible,I wish nothing was in my face.

Our project was on how we can do something to help Mother Earth,I can do this easily but,I still have other projects,so doing this with another person is better than doing things alone,but why did have to be Salamander?!

"So,what are we going to choose?"he asked

"How about...water pollution and how we could hell it and stuff?"I sighested,he thought for awhile

"That'd be great"he finally agreed

"When and how do we do it?"I asked him,if we did this with a schedule I can do the other projects,and that would be great that I could finally get some rest.

Time skip

It was dismissal and I was waiting at the hall outside Elles classroom,and of course using my phone again.

"Lucy~"I heard someone call my name and I lift up my head to see Elle with her neon pink backpack.

"Let me guess,the teacher got mad,again?"I asked with a hint of annoyance,now a days I always go out first,and have to wait for her,before,she had to wait for me for half an hour,sonetimes she just excuses herself and tells that she has to go.

"Yeah,sorry,let's walk home"she told me,and dragged me outside then we started walking.

"So,whos your partner in Science?"she asked,we like to talk about what we do in class,what will happen,if there's a quiz,homework and other stuff,though we have different teacher,we still have to ask so we wouldn't miss out on stuff.

" know.."I trailed off,she looked at me intently and closed in.

"Let me guess..Anni?"she guessed,Anni is my closest friend ever since 3rd grade,we didn't become classmates much,but when we are we become close friends,and Elle gets jealous sometimes,but I don't like rubbing it in.

"Nope,Salamander"I answered,she gapped at me,utterly shocked that it was him,she loves rubbing things in,and if I ever had a crush she would embarrass me and push me closer to the person,even people I don't like,or am paired up with.

"Ooohhh~"she teased me and this continued on and in until I dropped her off at her house,and I walked home alone,when I got home,I quickly continued the books I work on.

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