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Ryan's pov

"I can't believe you did that bro" my best mate jack said shaking his head. He's an alpha guard here in my castle. He's one of my strongest ones too.

"I did, she disobeyed my orders. So I sent her to the dungeons. She's just an omega anyway, she's not that special and besides I couldn't just kill her you know?" I explained rolling my eyes. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Ryan Beaumont and I'm a prince of the Beaumont pack. I'm the next in line to become king because my older brother didn't want to and let me tell you I cant wait. This kingdom is made mostly with alphas, which is a very good thing. Its one of the main reasons were considered the strongest pack. Not only do we have an incredible amount of alphas, but they're strong too. Mess with this pack and you're done for.

Let me tell you a bit about me. I'm the second out of 4 boys. Two of them are twins. My dad is currently the king of this pack meaning that Robbie my older brother should be the next king, but he decided to just break the rules and mess around with some random beta but he doesn't need to know that I found out. My mother was killed a few years ago, her death was something that really affected me. When I found out I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't breath. Thankfully I had jack. He was a really big help because I never really had someone to talk to in this nasty castle.

You should know more about her death, she was murdered by our enemy pack. It was a way of, i don't know getting revenge? We never really understood because they were our closest ally. Out of nowhere my mother was found dead in the border that divides our territories. Oh, want to know the name of that pack? Its ok, i can tell you. It was the fowler pack. Shocking, I know but they are not as innocent as they seem.

Seeing my mother's body and having to hold back the tears, having to hide my feelings away because I'm an alpha and I cant demonstrate feelings. An alpha is supposed to be strong, you cant let feelings get in the way of other things.

You could say that I  have something against the fowler pack, i absolutely hate them and I would do anything to make them feel the pain I did. There mostly made of omegas so it shouldn't be that hard. Omegas are completely useless, they're just here to have babies other than that what do they do? Yeah, nothing. They are powerless, they always need to be protected. They are weak, probably weaker than a beta.

There was a knock on the door, I didn't feel like talking to anyone but jack today. What do they want now?

"What?" I answered coldly. I couldn't care less about what they want. Unless it has to do with me becoming king of course. That I am interested in. The door opened and one of the beta slaves (Robbie's little boyfriend) walked in. 

"Prince Ryan, you have been called into an emergency meeting with the king alongside the border guards, alpha jack you have been called as well." I looked at jack with a very confused look on my face, my dad and border guards? What could be happening here. It must be serious, the last time we saw border guards in a meeting was when mom was killed by the fowlers. We immediately stood up and walked to the meeting room. We didn't even bother on knocking as we opened the door and walked in like we owned the place, which I do by the way.

The border guards leader was here with three more guards i have never seen before. My dad sat at one end of table and I in the other. Jack sitting next to the border guard. My father cleared his throat and begun the meeting.

"Good evening son, alpha jack. We have been visited by the border guards. They're in charge of capturing anyone that tries to infiltrate our territory. They say they have made some kind of discovery we might be interested. Please, tell us" my father said and the leader stood up with a white large envelope. He cleared his throat and begun speaking.

"Good evening your majesty, prince Ryan, alpha jack. As you can probably tell I have three men accompanying me this lovely evening. The have made a discovery that you might find some kind of benefit in" He started taking out pictures out of the envelope and spread them across the table. My dad, jack and I now stood up examining the pictures. It was a white wolf but its beyond the border. In some pictures it shows a blonde boy, probably the human form of the white wolf.

"How is this boy, supposed to benefit us?" Jack asked respectfully. The man smirked and begun talking again.

"As we all now, our Luna was murdered by the fowler pack. Well, We found him lurking around the fowler territory looking rather lost. We made our research and we'd like you to meet Andrew fowler. Prince of the fowler's and next in line to become king, Son of our Luna's murderer. He is an omega, but before you say anything this one is special. He possesses strength that could rival that of an alpha, and incredible speed. Again, he looked lost, like he had never been out of the territory walls. Meaning there's something more to him, some kind of secret that other packs don't know about. If we could take this omega, and kill him they would be suffering quite a loss because this omega is like their weapon." I took some of the pictures to my end of the table and examined them further. He is past the border and they must have alpha border guards too. They could've seen these guys taking pictures.

"Well, it is a good idea to take him but, its clear that he is still on his territory, if we were to enter they would take it as an attack and we'd be going into a war." My father said, i nodded after him and put the picture down.

"Here's what were gonna do..." I started "after analyzing these pictures, its best to wait. Before any of you say something let me explain" I stood up and went to the small board we have here for meetings. I drew the border that divides the territory.

"So... The boy  seems lost, like he's exploring, he clearly doesn't know where the border is located. Which means he'll eventually cross it and he'll be all ours. We will disperse some of the border guards through the forest, hidden, watching his every move." I then turned to the board and drew dots on our side.

"Those will be the locations, if he were to reach our walls then you will surround him and wait till jack or I get there. Let out a howl so we know that you have him. It has to be jack or me because were the strongest and if what you said is correct he could take you guys down, now, if he makes a move or attacks one of you don't hesitate to all attack at once but whatever you do, don't kill him. I want him alive"

I Thought He Was My Enemy\\ Randy\\ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now