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Andy's pov

It was a pretty normal day here in the fowler territory. I love walking around the kingdom and seeing all the kids playing and all our people just enjoying their day. Although I'm stuck at the castle right now, staring outside a window that shows the whole city. I think I should introduce myself.

My name is Andy fowler and I'm the oldest of two. My father is the king of the fowler pack, which means my mom is the queen or the Luna. Whatever you call it is fine. Me being the oldest of me and my brother, I'm supposed to find an alpha and become king with him by my side. I'm not very fond of that idea though, I don't think I should get an alpha to rule this pack with me, I don't even wanna become king anyway. Its completely unnecessary and also because I don't believe in love. Of course it works for some people but not for me. The one time I was with someone he used me, he just wanted to be with me because I'm the prince and I have money since then I don't really want to be with anybody. Love is just a waste of time.

As I walk through the streets people bow they're heads. That's another thing I don't like, the formality the people have towards me. Its simply annoying and unnecessary but I can't say that. According to my parents I'm not just some random guy. They say that I'm the prince and people have to respect me. That's why I just smile when people do that to me or when I hear the occasional 'prince Andrew'  I hate that. I just want to be called Andy and I want them to drop the 'prince'.

Now there are basic rules here in our kingdom. Ones that I normally break without no one noticing or at least I hope no one notices. Like for example don't go outside the territory walls at night or early in the morning especially if you're an omega. There could be rogue alphas or whatever. I don't understand why people treat omegas like they do. Like were some kind of trophy. In our pack, my family treats omegas with respect. We don't force them to be slaves, we don't abuse them, overwork them not like the other packs or more specifically the famous Beaumont pack. They are this packs worst enemy. They use omegas as slaves, some even force poor omegas to bond with some random stranger which makes me wanna puke. I've never heard of a nice alpha from that pack, not once. That's another rule, be caught with someone from an enemy pack and you get interrogated or in some cases get thrown in the dungeon.

The Beaumont pack are the strongest pack there is at the moment. They have mostly alphas there which is a huge advantage if they ever decided to just go to war with us. I've heard that there is a guy called Ryan Beaumont, apparently he could easily be the strongest alpha in the world and I've also heard about his nasty personality. Sometimes I wonder, what its like being the strongest in the world. No, scratch that...

What's it like being an alpha?

"Prince Andrew, your father has called you to his office immediately" well, this is amazing. Trying to have a relaxed day and your father summons you to his office. He'll probably accuse me of something again and ill end up blaming Brooklyn.

"Thanks a lot Mikey, ill be right there" I said putting on a fake smile. I like Mikey, not in that way of course. He's such a sweet omega, he works as a servant here in the castle and before you ask no, we did not force him to be a servant like i said before only the Beaumont pack does that. I stood up  from the chair I had next to my window and walked towards my dads office. I sighed as i stood in front of the huge door. I knocked and i heard my father allowing me to go in. He smiled as i went inside.

"Good afternoon my son" why does he always have to be so formal. Why cant we be normal for once. I hate being part of the royal family but what can I do. There's no way I can change it.

"Hey dad, what's up?" Maybe if I talk none formally he can talk like that to. Who am I kidding? Its my father, he would never do that. He raised an eyebrow and then sighed.

"Well, I got word this morning that you've been sneaking past the territory walls early in the morning, is that true?" You know what? At this point I don't even care anymore, I have a brother he could take my position as king. It'll be even better because he likes formality.

"Yes father, i have but what do you expect me to do? I've been my whole life trapped inside territory walls and i just want to explore a bit" I explained quite annoyed. He sighed and took his glasses off he must be getting pissed off as well.

"Look Andrew, your my son and I just want to keep you safe-" I cut him off

"From what? There's no type of danger out there dad! I've been outside more than you think" I decided to say unintentionally raising my voice a bit.

"you're an omega! Not only that, you're special Andrew. You possess speed and power that no other omega does, and lets not forget that secret skill of yours. The other packs know about you, they could do anything to you!" He yelled standing up.

"Whatever dad, I'm out of here" I said and turned around. "You know what, let them do what they want, I couldn't care less about becoming king or whatever, you have Brooklyn anyway" i said and walked away.

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