Chapter 11.

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"Okay, Jack. You need to remember something before we start." Simon stands straight in front of me and takes a deep breath. His expression is serious, but he looks a bit worried at the same time. "Demons don't actually have wings, and we can't actually fly. It's more like hovering, but... Much more powerful, I guess. If you think about it as if you're flying, you'll never be able to get a hold of your powers correctly. Think about it as if you're in an elevator. That's almost exactly what it's like to fly as a demon."

"Didn't you just say it's not fly-"

"You get my point, pretty boy," Simon chuckles. "Listen. Stand straight, like me."

I do as he tells me.

"Close your eyes and try to imagine being in an elevator. But try to keep your mind blank at the same time - that's the most crucial part!" Simon tells me.

I close my eyes and try to think, but no matter what, I can't keep my mind blank. "This has to suck for people with ADHD." I sigh and look down, but much to my surprise, I'm floating. I'm only a few inches off of the ground, but I'm floating!

Simon is staring at me with surprise. "How did you... It took me years of different demons trying to teach me how to use my powers - there's no way you-" He immediately cuts himself off. "Hey, Jack, I need to check something really quick. I'll be back."

Simon disappears for a few minutes, then reappears back in front of me. He's holding a small, clear vial with what appears to be water inside of it.

"I need to know what kind of demon you are. Drink this," Simon tells me, handing me the vial.

"W-what is it?" I ask him, taking the vial, but not drinking it yet.

"It's holy water. It'll only sting like a pinch, I promise! But it'll show me the color of your demon eyes, and I'll be able to tell what kind of demon you are by that...," Simon explains to me.

I look at Simon, a little confused, but drink the holy water. Just like he said, it stings a little bit, and I have to close my eyes to try and get all of it down, but when I open my eyes, Simon's eyes grow wide and he looks at me with shock.

"Sh-sh-shit! Jack, you're... Your eyes are... You're..." Simon grabs my hand and rushes me into the house and takes me into the bathroom. When I look into the mirror, instead of my eyes being green, they've become a pure white color.

"W-what the fuck, what does this mean? Aren't my eyes supposed to be black?" I ask Simon.

"If you were a normal demon, they would be black. But you're not just a normal demon. You're one of the most powerful type of demon in Hell!" Simon tells me. "I'll explain... In Hell, there are seven types of demons. Black-eyed demons are the most common because they're the basic types of demons. We can fly, teleport anywhere on Earth, manipulate certain things that humans can and can't see, we're immortal, and after billions of years, we can even eventually possess humans and even animals, although black-eyed demons with that ability are rare. There are also orange-eyed demons, red-eyed demons, blue-eyed demons, green-eyed demons, yellow-eyed demons, and finally... White-eyed demons. They're the most powerful and there's only five white-eyed demons that exist, including you. White-eyed demons have all of the abilities that every other demons have, but of course there are things white-eyed demons can do that no other demon can. White-eyed demons can teleport to any planet or galaxy in the universe; they can destroy other planets; they can travel between the real world and Hell whenever they please; and they can kill any living or nonliving being in the universe with just a snap of their fingers...," Simon explains. "But there are so many things that wouldn't make sense for you to be a white-eyed demon..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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