First Encounters

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I have been in school for a week.
And thank goodness all of the people I met at the party decided they didn't mind being friends with me.

The teachers were reasonable and thankfully the classes were fairly easy, so far. And I even got a job.

Well to be honest Aunt Joy offered me a job at her bookstore. From what she said, it doesn't get very busy but the position was mine for however long I wanted. I happily jumped at the opportunity considering I did not want to be home alone all the time and I also didn't mind making a little cash of my own.

Leah and I had also become fast friends.

Something that apparently surprised them all according to Quil, apparently Leah has always had a harsh sort of persona before I had arrived. To which I simply offered.

"Well did you ever wonder what it'd be like being the only girl in a group full of guys...seems like you'd have to be tough constantly?"

But the Leah I had gotten to know wasn't nearly so tough.

I mean sure she tried to act it from time to time (more so when the guys are around) but to be honest, she's just like any other girl I'd ever met... we eat, we complain about being tired, people watch, eat some more and just chill when we can.

She even told me all about her past, this included her dating Sam...of course this came as a huge shock to me. Because to meet Sam and Emily is to meet the perfect couple, and it's just impossible to imagine them dating anyone else.

More shocking was that Emily is her cousin.

I'd asked her how long it took to get over them being a couple, because to ask how she felt about her cousin dating her ex was too damn obvious.

But I knew there was no animosity (or if there was it never came to the surface) as they were all so close.

She'd only shrugged, "it's weird...I mean I loved him but then when he and Emily got together I wanted to be mad...pissed, but...I couldn't be mad at them, they just...clicked, made sense and I love my cousin and she was happy, so it just is what it one really talks about Sam and I and I'm alright with that, I know my guy will come along and we'll just click too."

I'd told her about the one boyfriend I had but how he really only dated me because he wanted to get close to my good friend sucked and it was hard to date after that.

Something else we could relate on...the loss of a parent.

She opened up about how hard her father's death had hit her, from what she told me, she was a Daddy's girl. "...the only guy I didn't have to be tough around ya know...for Seth I have to be tough to protect him, and the let your guard down and they rip into you...but my dad, he could always call me out on my bullshit ya know?"

I nodded, "you're lucky you had that with him."

"Yeah." She smiled. "Now come on Lace...pick a damn outfit already so we can head out."

I turned to my closet and smiled. Today I was actually going to my first bonfire ever.

Sure people in Cali have bonfires on the beach during beach parties, but being a friendless outcast doesn't exactly get you invited to many beach parties.

I was also really excited Because it was gonna be my first time seeing the La Push beach and hearing some old family legends.

And just like Leah, I've quickly grown accustomed to the guys' touch feely manner. They like to hug, like one big family.

I was also intrigued about tonight because Leah told me Jacob was bringing two girls tonight, "one is his girlfriend, her name is Mckayla, she's probably the sweetest girl you'll ever meet." She smiled as she held up one of my earrings up to her ear and looked at herself in the mirror. "The other..." she sighed and put my earring back, "the other one is a girl Jake used to like, her name is Isabella Swan...but everybody calls her Bella."

Imprints: A Paul Lahote StoryWhere stories live. Discover now