The End?

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I know the ending seems kinda rushed and truly it was, I knew how I wanted this to end but couldn't exactly convey what I wanted nor what characters I needed to do it. And just like that one day at three in the morning I came up with the last chapters, it wasn't what I expected but it gave me closure.

Why did I leave so many loose ends? Because I never intended to fix their problems, they just required to acknowledge them. Acceptance is the key to start to work on it.

America and Mexico are not friends, their relationship is way too complicated to put a label on it. They have very strong feelings towards the other, but they have a lot of shit going in their past that is still holding them on.

[My friend said actually said: "disappointed but not surprised" referring to ending. She said that I always left my stories with a very open ending... so yeah, sorry?]

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