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America yelled, he was not expecting México to be leaning on the doorstep of his bedroom, first thing in the morning.

"Dude! What the heck?" He was still a little distraught from his nightmare, so he wasn't exactly thinking straight "Actually, how the f*ck did you enter my house?"

Mexico just shrugged, he has his ways "You still have nightmares about that, hun?" America blinked, finally coming to his senses "Should've I woken you up?"

America stared at his friend, he'd been trying to talk with him for weeks and now all the sudden he's in front of him "That would've been little to no help"

Mexico nodded while the blonde sat on his bed "Are you ok?" America didn't answer, he wasn't ok but instead of lying he decided to change the subject "Why are you here?"

"Cruz told me you were looking for me and that I was being an Idiot, which I obviously wasn't. I guessed we needed to talk" It was only now that America realized that Mexico was talking quietly and soothing "I also wanted to say sorry for being a jerk"

That was weird, the Mexican rarely apologize let alone talking like that. Al tilted his head, haunting images still in his brain "Mexico?"


"Are you ok?"

"Fuck off" said the brunet leaving the door "I was trying to be nice but since clearly that is so weird I might as well leave"

"No. Wait!" Indeed, the other stop his tracks and checked him head to toes.

"Fine. But get more clothes on first" Mexico told with a smirk in his face, making America blush.

After the owner of the house they were in put more clothes on, they decided to talk in the office for some or other reason.

"I thought you were mad at me" Alfred said looking directly into his friend's eyes.

"Yeah, we've been friends for long enough, you should know by now not to listen to my drunk ass self"

"You weren't drunk" The American retort making the other roll his eyes.

"Hangover, whatever, same shit"

"Why were you avoiding me then?" The fact that there was fear and anger were mixed in the question made all of things clearer.

"You are scared, why?" Alejandro asked with all the  care in the world, he knew that Al's nightmares were mostly memories the blonde wanted to forget but couldn't. He'd had those, but the circumstances are always different for them.

America sighed, he would usually lie about it and fake a smile but oddly enough, he couldn't today "Don't know, I just am"

"Ok, fair enough" Because Mexico understands that, what it feels to have feelings that aren't really yours "Seriously though, I'm sorry dude I shouldn't have reacted like that"

"You shouldn't have drunk that" Came a weirdly quiet response from the blue eyed.

"Ah, sure... 12 steps but baby steps, okay?"    

[A/N: I think I should just give up at this point.]

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