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Mexico was sitting in a branch of one random tree in his place, things have been a havoc the last five weeks. Luckily England now was fine and under house arrest by his brothers and some of his former colonies, the whole ordeal had shaken things for everybody. Who could have thought such a strong nation as him would do something like that.

"Why are you up there?" A voice disrupted his thoughts and looking down the mexican was met with the sight of America raising an eyebrow.

"Hiding from the spirits"

"What?!" Mexico chuckled at the blonde's frightened tone.

"Nothing. When did you came back?" Said the latin american after jumping down the tree.

"Uh, I actually came back like two weeks ago"


"I was with Canada you know. After what happened with England, France found some things about Mattie's bad habits" The grim tone in the blue eyed told Mexico more than enough. Canada have always been overlooked by most of the nations and based on his own experience, he could only assume self-harm.

"Dios, I need a drink"



"Mexico stop drinking" America looked firmly at him and he sighed, like Mexico predicted things were really shaken.

"Yeah, it's not that easy. Also, it's not really important you know, I'm fine" Mexico shrugged, he had already come in terms with his problem years ago. Many tried to help him, but the mexican was too deep in his addition already. America pinned him to the tree trunk, stopping Mexico for any action. Frustrating the mexican's plan to avoid this conversation.

"Are you really?"

"I am as good as you like to pretend to be" The shock was clear in the american' face.

"What do you mean?" America tried and failed in masking the anxiety in his voice.

"You know what I meant. You should be more worried about you than me, my drinking problem comes from my inability to cope with reality. Yours on the other hand, comes from others lies and words" Mexico look directly into America's eyes, clear emotions in his eyes.

"How did you know?" The golden-haired asked, freeing the other.

"You'll be amazed how much they said when they think no one is listening" Mexico said in a whisper "You are not perfect, but I like you just the way you are. So please don't listen the hurtful things they say and take more care of yourself"

The brunet left with a smile while America still dumbfounded by the words that were said didn't notice the other departure until it was too late.    

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