Marco // Meant To Be

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[ modern/soulmate au, Newgate family idea borrowed by KiraReno with permission, and the reader as a very sassy long time friend of theirs~ ]

ps - Kira, i may or may not have slipped in a little something for you, as well as a reference or two to one of your lovely Marco fics... it's a bit towards the end ^^ this idea all as a thanks for letting me borrow the Newgate family idea! hope you like it~

Soulmates - everyone in the world has one. Sooner or later, they unite and have their happily ever after, whatever that may be for them.

Some are lucky, and live near theirs, be it in the same neighbourhood, city, country, while some others aren't as lucky and find themselves having to move out of their country to meet their one and only.

Of course, nobody is forced to marry or get with their soulmate; crushes are obviously a very real thing, many teenagers usually get into relationships  before finding theirs, be it long lasting or not, while other people prefer to abstain, wait until they unite with the one the universe chose for them.

People find their soulmates at very different times in their lives. Some as teens, others as adults or older, though it's typically at the age of twelve and up.

Long story short; soulmates are a very real, and very anxiety inducing thing in some cases.



That was the very first thing that came to your mind as you struggled to open your eyes, eventually just lifting your arm to cover them completely. Your entire body felt oddly heavy, head pounding, as if you'd even drinking excessively all night - which you knew for fact didn't happen, despite having attended Shanks' long awaited wedding.

The redhead was quite known for being a party animal and drinking a whole lot, being such a heavyweight that he could empty and entire bar without even getting tipsy. He was an amusing man, loyal friend and now husband, soon to be father from what you'd gathered.

He had found his soulmate around two years or so ago, but didn't propose until a year and a half into the relationship. His now wife, Makino, was a little younger than him, but lovely nonetheless. A kind and helpful young woman with a permanent smile on her lips, the look she would always give Shanks making your heart melt on the spot. The two were so cute together, that it made you wish you could be as lucky with your own soulmate one day - if you ever found them, that is.

The wait is such a pain! Almost everyone has found theirs already...

Hell, even that damned med student Trafalgar Law had found his own - he, of all people, was in a relationship with his soulmate already. She was a cute but rather bold and sometimes grumpy redhead; Kyo, if you recalled.  You knew one thing for sure about her, and that was not to get on her bad side. Despite being older than her, you knew she wouldn't hesitate to take matters in her own hands. Her father was no joke, therefore having raised her to be like that as well. She could probably kill someone with a mere glare.

Honestly, the perfect match for Law. The universe really does know what it's doing.

"God..." you mumbled, voice raspy and your throat feeling rather sore. You didn't even recognize your own voice, which was weird and honestly quite confusing. You didn't remember drinking anything more than a beer, and a glass of champagne when Shanks popped it open for a toast. The man had invited just about everyone he could, the music was quite loud as well, so perhaps these things were to blame for the terrible headache - but that sounded too far fetched.

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