Donquixote Doflamingo // Sleepless Nights

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((u have absolutely no idea how much i love doffy hsbansn i can rant about him for hours--))


If you learned one thing growing up, was that life is unfair.

Some are born lucky, privileged and rich, and lived their entire lives being spoiled to death. Some others were born in poverty, suffered to afford a single loaf of bread. Some had their happy world turned upside down, and were forced to adapt to cruel situations and living conditions.

Unfortunately for you, you fell under the more unlucky and poor people category.

Born in a family of seven, living in a small uncomfortable house with creaky doors and floorboards that barely fit everyone, and rats were feeely crawling all over the damn place - though everyone had gotten so used to those pests, that they wouldn't even flinch if one even cuddled them or something.

There were your parents, though you honestly barely saw them, only a couple of hours per day; both of them working their asses off so the rest could eat, even the smallest of portions. Then, your grandmother, who didn't even know how old she was, bedridden and unable to do anything herself, so she relied on the rest. Your older by a year brother worked, too, and that left you the oldest in the house - in charge of cleaning, cooking, taking care of your younger twin siblings, two little boys who had to face the harsh reality of the world from the day they were born.

So, family and hardships was all you knew; the only comfort being sleep, which was something you cherished, even if it was for three hours or less.

But you were sick of it all. Sick of looking after an ancient woman and two kids, sick of cleaning the essentially already half ruined house, sick of the rats, the tiny food portions, the dirt, the uncomfortable beds - sick of everything. Of having absolutely nothing.

You voiced those complaints multiple times, to your grandmother and mother, often ending up in tears. You were jealous of everyone else, jealous of the wealthier, and pretty much despised those Celestial Dragons you would often see walking around proudly, knowing that they could get away with anything. Sometimes those pricks walked around with slaves.

"See, my dear?" your mother would say, "We could always have it worse... We could be like those poor slaves. We should be grateful for what we've got."

And you were grateful for one thing indeed, and that was your family. As exhausting and often difficult to look after them was, it definitely was worth it; because these hardships brought you all closer to one another. You loved them all dearly, and wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole wide world - you just wished you could all have it easier, so that your parents and older brother didn't have to work until they passed out, or that your younger siblings could have proper childhoods, that your grandmother wouldn't have to worry for everyone so much. It was affecting her already poor health, too.

Though of course, life wasn't just unfair. It was a straight up bitch.

You'd taken your younger brothers out one day, since you had to go shopping with what little money you had, and couldn't leave them home with your grandmother; you'd made them promise they would be as quiet as possible, that they'd listen to your every word. Why? Because those Celestial Dragon pricks were everywhere recently.

One of your little brothers had accidentally bumped onto one. That was not good news whatsoever.

Unfortunately you went ahead and made it worse - acting out of instinct, grabbing your brothers and running. No apologies to the Noble, no begging for your life, leaving everyone in pure shock.

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