Niji Vinsmoke // Sweetheart

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[ this chapter has been HEAVILY edited, as of May 3rd 2020!! ]

your everyday 'arranged marriage with a Charlotte!reader' oneshot...these seem to be awfully famous, don't they? ( ̄ω ̄;)

Being born in the Charlotte family, of course you were always expecting to one day have an arranged marriage, something out of your control - in a fashion very similar to many more of your siblings. Though, despite it being something you didn't quite have a say in, you didn't hate it like some others.

You loved your family and would put them above anything. And just like every single one of your siblings, you'd do just about anything imaginable to earn your mother's acknowledgement and affection, to make her proud. You wanted to contribute to the family's success, bring more power to it - and if getting married was what it took, so be it.

Perhaps it was an unhealthy mindset to have; and to anybody outside the Charlotte family, it most likely was. You didn't doubt outsiders either found it strange or straight up despicable. For you and your siblings, though, it was normal.

Out of 86 siblings -yourself included- you were one of Big Mom's 40 daughters. At age twenty, were among the 'middle' children for lack of a better word - and the youngest of all was Anana, currently aged only 8. Needless to say your mother had gotten... busy.

It didn't came as much of a surprise when she broke the news to the rest. She had everyone gather for dinner in Whole Cake Island, spouses included, so they were expecting a big announcement; obviously, with such a huge family and an even bigger territory to take care of, there wasn't much time for 'family dinners', if any at all.

And so, as they all made their way to Whole Cake Island and eventually the huge castle occupied by Big Mom herself and the youngest children, they couldn't help but buzz with curiosity and excitement. Big news were always fun.


"Everyone!" Big Mom stood up from her seat at the head of the table, raising her arms up in the air, "I have great news for you all!"

"Ooh, what is it, Mama?" Flampe asked in her high pitched voice, bouncing up and down on her chair with a grin plastered on her lips, "You have finally come to the conclusion that I'm the cutest, sweetest, favourite sister and daughter of all?!"

Unfortunately for the rather narcissistic Flampe, she didn't get the answer she wanted. Instead, the responses were a few laughs from around the room and a shake of Big Mom's head, which seemed to slightly annoy her; Flampe wasn't really one to handle rejection well. Pouting, she went back to chewing her bubblegum with her arms over her chest.

"We'll be having a lovely wedding soon - and a highly beneficial one at that!" she practically sang, a wide grin spreading on her painted lips as she spoke, "A son of the royal Vinsmoke family will be shortly uniting with our dear (Y/n)!"

You couldn't prevent the small blush that came to your cheeks as one by one, everyone turned their attention to you. Your smile was so wide that you were convinced your cheeks would be hurting for the entire day, but it couldn't be helped. You were proud of this, proud to be able to help, and hearing your mother say that the wedding would be highly beneficial made you feel ecstatic.

That feeling only increased when the whole room burst into cheering and clapping - it always went like this when Big Mom would break such news, and you were part of it all the time. Now, everyone was doing this for you, and the feeling of pure pride and happiness that came with it was irreplaceable. Pudding, one of your many sisters, was sat next to you; and she didn't hesitate to pull you in a hug so tight that you had to tap on her arm a couple of times to remind her you had to breathe at some point. She fell in a fit of giggles and apologized.

One Piece; Book Of One Shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora