Law & Kid // Childish Rivalry

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{ request by donquixote_doris ! }
[ modern au, featuring the slightly indecisive reader-chan as shank's daughter... who sells her off for booze  (it's funny i promise ^^;) ]

Two men wanting the same woman is never good news. In your case, it managed to get more complicated and worse than just that.

These two men happened to have a certain... dislike for one another. As if that wasn't enough, however, upon finding out that you were the girl they both seemed to have fallen for, they had been constantly trying to one-up each other.

Not just for you, though.

They were trying to impress your father as well - they knew that whoever managed to do so better than the other would probably have his approval to actually date you.

While you found it somewhat annoying, he found it amusing. The redhead was a laid back and friendly man, though could make someone sob if he stared at them hard enough - of course, you were one of the first people to break under that intense glare, when he would scold you back in your childhood. Though, he felt bad after making his daughter cry, and always freaked out.

Back to the subject at hand, though. Your already amused father was in for a surprise.


All you wanted was one calm, Law and Kid free day. One.

But the universe, or whatever God was up there, seemed to have a grudge against you.

The doorbell ringing made you groan loudly and close the book you were holding, standing up from the comfortable spot on your bed - you wouldn't open that door, you knew damn well it'd be one of them. And if you wanted to avoid facing either one, you had to act quickly, since a certain someone would most likely go open it.

"Dad!" you called out, knowing he was in either the living room with a beer, or currently getting one from the fridge, "Do not open the door-!"

"Oh, you're here for (Y/n)?" he hummed, obviously having already opened it -how on earth was that man so damn fast?- and speaking to whoever it was that had arrived, "She's in her room, gimme a minute."

With that, he turned away from the door and cupped his free hand around his mouth, "Oi, brat, come here! You've got a guest!"

'Oh for fuck's sake. No escape now.'

You closed your eyes and sighed loudly, exiting the room in what you called 'pajamas' - a pair of shorts and a tank top, due to the weather deciding to change to boiling hot all of a sudden. There was no way you'd leave the house with whoever of the two arrived today.

'When did I even give them my damn address? I don't remember doing that...'

And so, you were heading towards the door, only to be met with your father's infamous wide shit-eating grin, something that had you glaring at him. Said glare must've been genetic or something of the sort, since it made his grin disappear within milliseconds, and he gulped, stepping aside for you to face the newcomer.

As soon as you stood in front of the open door, you were met with the admittedly ridiculously muscular for his age Eustass Kid, whose pale complexion had you wondering how on earth he hadn't gotten a horrible sunburn by now.

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