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"Admit it, Ranger Rick. You didn't care about the guns. You just wanted your hat." I teased.

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. My grin made him crack an amused smile.

I don't know whether it was because of the nickname or because of saying he only wanted his hat. Now he had the entire outfit for his sheriff position in an apocalypse.

"Don't tell anyone." He said.

A chuckle left my lips as we walked back to the van. We were supposed to leave the guns in it and then continue our search for Merle. After being kidnapped by a gang of old people, I've lost the desire to help out in this mission.

"You've given away half our guns and ammo." Daryl protested.

"Not nearly half." Rick said.

And yet I still get nothing. I suggested me getting a gun to Glenn and T-dog who didn't seem thrilled by the idea.

What am I gonna do with it? Shoot Dixon? As tempting as that is, something tells me Ranger Rick wouldn't allow that.

"For what? For old farts that are gonna die momentarily anyhow? How long do you think they've got?" Daryl asked.

"How long do any of us?" Rick shot back.

We reached the place where we left the van except it wasn't there anymore. I opened my mouth to comment but closed it upon realizing that I had nothing to say. Usually the perks of everyone around you being dead is that there is no one to steal from you.

"Oh my God." Glenn said.

"Where the hell is our van?" Daryl asked.

"We left it right there. Who would take it?" Glenn asked.

I looked at them as if though they were stupid. There's literally only one person left alive in Atlanta that knows about that van. Spoiler alert, it definitely isn't the gang of elders.

"It's kind of obvious, isn't it? Merle took it." I stated.

"He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." Daryl retorted.

I hummed in agreement. After seeing that we had no other choice, we all decided to go for a long walk back to camp. Dakota is going to be over the moon that her fling was okay. Well if you count having one hand as okay.

Hours passed as we left the abandoned streets of Atlanta and stepped into the woods around it. My legs were aching and I was slowly dying of boredom. No one here was appreciative of my commentary and they'd all asked for me to kindly shut up.

"Just saying, time would pass a lot quicker if there was more communication." I commented.

Groans of protest filled the air as I made that comment. A smug smirk formed on my lips at the successful attempt at annoying them. Making people irritated is my way of staying sane.

"We have very different definitions of communication, Josephine." T-Dog said.

I opened my mouth to reply when we heard gunshots. It wasn't hard to guess where they were coming from. There was only a few miles between us and our camp. Panic rose inside of me at the thought of my siblings in danger.

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