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"You want me to be a guard?" I asked.

I frowned at Deanna who was leaning against the doorframe. Her house was still as stuffy as I remembered it to be. It was difficult to imagine needing so many things.

Every shelf had some kind of knickknacks on them. Random books piled up everywhere. Homey, I guess.

"Our lookout. Rick thinks it necessary to have someone manning the walls at all times." She explained further.

I paused before looking at her in disbelief. So she's saying we're currently unprotected from the outside world. Anyone could just stroll right in and attack us with no forewarning.

"Well duh, we've gotta be able to tell if someone's coming at us. You haven't thought about this before?" I questioned her.

She clenched her jaw despite her smile staying firm on her face. I was getting under her skin, I knew that. But I couldn't stop myself when they were being stupid.

"Look, Sasha's volunteered as well. The shifts will be divided between you, her and my son Spencer." Deanna said.

My only experience working with Sasha so far has been when trying to get Beth. She seemed pretty unhinged back then and that was before she lost Bob. Another person in our group without a brother.

I nodded. "When do I start?"

Deanna seemed pleased by my lack of protesting. Truth is, I was bored out of my mind. Seeing Rick and Michonne in their uniforms, despite how ridiculous they looked, it made me want something to do as well.

Anything to keep me occupied. It felt like everyone was doing something other than me. I wanted to help, be a cog in the metaphorical machine of this community.

"Tomorrow, after tonight's welcome gathering. Mandatory for all guards." She replied.

A grimace went over my face and it amused her to see it. It really shouldn't. I'm not as bad as Daryl in a social situation but I'm not good at it, either. It takes me time to warm up to people, even more time for them to warm up to me.

"I'm not much of a party person or a people one, either." I commented.

It's a surprise I've lasted this long in our group. I'd like to think that I grow on them with time and they're kinda stuck with me. Affection comes later.

"You don't say," she smiled, "come anyway."

After wrapping up our conversation, I left her place and headed towards what is now our house. Or houses, technically. On my way there, I saw Glenn and Maggie with Rhea.

A smile formed on my face at the sight of Glenn holding her and making faces at her. Though I felt panic sneaking up on me when I didn't see Dorian with them.

"Where's her brother?" I asked.

Maggie looked up before pointing at another house in the neighborhood. I directed my gaze that way and saw Dakota with an elderly couple that was holding him.

"Dakota's been doing rounds with them, makes everyone happy to see them." Maggie explained.

For a moment, I felt protective of them more than usual. We didn't know these people. Any one of them could hurt the twins.

At the frown etched on my face, Maggie reached out to touch my shoulder. "They're safe, I promise."

Glenn nodded in agreement before swaying Rhea in his arms. She was looking around with wonder in her eyes. She was still so small, so young.

"I'm still not used to this place." I admitted.

Going from our house to Deanna's felt difficult. All those unknown eyes on me as I walked. I hated it. There was no being invisible here, not really.

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