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"How much longer?" Dakota asked.

Her head popped up between Daryl and I. He was driving behind a van containing the rest of our group. We were on our way to the city to save Beth and Carol.

When Daryl showed up last night with a kid named Noah, the last thing I expected was to hear of police cops running a hospital in Atlanta where they had two of our group members.

"Couple of minutes before we reach the city." Daryl replied.

Dakota leaned back and settled into the back seat. There was an unspoken tension in the car as the three of us had never been alone before. My sister and my ex boyfriend, how lovely.

My fingers tapped my thigh as I pondered on how to break the ice. The only topic I could think of was Merle and no one wanted to talk about that. Certainly not me.

"Anyone wanna hear a joke?"

I smiled innocently as the two of them both grimaced at the same time. They couldn't have timed it better even if they had tried.

"Please don't."

"I've heard them all."

I raised my hands in defeat before leaning further into my seat. God, this is awkward. All I wanted to do was jump out of the car.

Logically, there was no reason for it. The two of them were on good terms, it's not like there was anything to be awkward about. Yet it still persisted.

Dakota glanced between the two of us. "Are you two a thing again?"

My entire body froze at her question and I could see Daryl tensing behind the wheel. And now I remember why this was a dangerous situation to be in.

Why the fuck would she ask that while we're stuck in a moving car and while we're both there? My cheeks got red as I cleared my throat.

"No." Daryl said.

His tone implied that he was equally uncomfortable as me in that moment. I have never wanted to crawl out of my skin more.

The only thing that made me feel better was the fact that Rick was not in the car with us. Now that would've killed me.

"You sure? Cause you're both being terribly awkward."

I looked at her in disbelief. If it was awkward, how on Earth did she think this was going to make it better? This is the last topic I wanted to think about, let alone speak about.

"It wasn't awkward until this moment." I hissed.

She shrugged. Silence fell upon the car and I was trying my hardest not to look at Daryl who had glanced at me. We were finally at a good place and then she just had to remind him of the breakup.

After a few more more moments of silence, Dakota decided to speak yet again. "So why did you break up?"

I groaned at the question as I wished for the Earth to swallow me whole. I don't understand the point of this. It's not like I didn't give her an explanation for it.

We didn't have a future together so I broke it off and other half lies. I didn't want her to know I did it in the name of family. Not that it mattered in the end, I shouldn't have broken up with Daryl.

It was a mistake, one I can't take back. So I'd rather forget about it than to have this conversation. I have a boyfriend. A blissfully unaware, and secret, boyfriend in the van in front of us.

"You dated my brother, you tell me." Daryl mumbled.

He was avoiding the question and I've never been more grateful for it. I'm hoping the mention of Merle will shut my sister up.

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