part twelve

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we were crawling through the vent, zhenzhen in front.

i looked down at her hand and saw alex gave her his watch.

-"nice watch." i teased.

i didn't even have to see her face to know it went pink.

-"you know, you and him are really cute together."

her laugh was followed by a scream.

she fell through a hole.

-"zhenzhen?!" i yelled crawling faster to the edge of the hole.

-"ouch." she laughed and rolled over to make room for me to jump down.

i jumped down and landed on my two feet.

i helped her up and we got into position.

-"okay, on my count." i nodded to zhenzhens instructions.

she pulled her lever and started counting, while running around to the next one.

-"4, 3, 2, 1."

i pulled the lever, which wasn't that easy to do, and went to the next one.

-"4, 3, 2, 1."

the lights flickered on and we ran near the door.

zhenzhen struggled opening so i helped and when the door opened, an alien dog sprang out.

zhenzhen and i stood still against the wall, watching the alien eat at the now dead scientist.

-"skye, alex, zhenzhen i need your help." gabriels voice boomed through the microphone.

the aliens head snapped towards us and we bolted into the room, but not fast enough.

the alien pounced at my leg, scratching it with its claws.

-"close the door." i yelled for zhenzhen, as i kicked the alien dog away.

i got my leg in before the door closed and bonus of the aliens paw.

-"that doesn't look too good." zhenzhen said gesturing towards my leg.

there was about three claw marks, that made my leg bleed, that ran down my leg.

-"better than dariush." i muttered as zhenzhen threw my arm over her shoulder and made our way to the main station.

i took my arm off zhenzhen and leaned against the wall as she ran over to gabriel.

-"c'mon, c'mon, at the same time. ready." she nodded and followed his instructions.

-"3, 2-" his counting was interrupted by an alien coming through the roof.

everyone jumped back and huddled over to where i was.

we all screamed at the ugly creature coming towards us.

out of nowhere the moster was hit by a rubiks cube.

a rubiks cube? really?

-"come at me bitch, come at me mother.." alex shouted with a flare gun in his hands.

-"a flare guns not gonna kill that thing!"

-"no, but i know what will. do what you have to do and go!"

everyone got up, but with my stinging leg i could barely get up.

i used the wall for support and limped up.

gabriel and zhenzhen injected the objects and started helping dariush and i out of the building.

as soon as we got out an explosion erupted making us push forward.

zhenzhen turned and tried to go back into the building to get alex.

-"wait no! it's too dangerous!" gabriel said pulling her back.

-"but i have to get him!"

-"it's too late!" dariush yelled.

-"alex!" she screamed.

i held onto my leg, looking at the dirt that mixed with the blood

yuck, thats gonna get infected.

gabriel looked at me and noticed my leg

he went wide eyed.

-"what the hell happened." he examined my leg.

before i could answer another explosion from the building went off.

-"alex?!" zhenzhen yelled which made all our heads turn.

everyone started to stand and we tried looking through the dust.

there, a figure that turned into a person, that turned into a boy.

-"alex!" we all yelled cheering, engolfing him in a hug.

-"did we do it? did we do it?" alex asked as we separated.

we all turned and looked into the sky.

explosions from the mothership could be seen.

-"we did it!" i yelled.

gabriel grabbed onto my waist and twirled me around.

-"oh, i'm definitely coming back next year!"

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