part seven

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-"hell nah" dariush said exhausted.

-"what do you think they want?" i huffed out.

-"supplies, resources maybe." alex answered.

-"what makes you think that?" dariush asked.

-"sounds reasonable, i mean, it's possible their planet went dry and they came to raid ours." i replied.

dariush narrows his eyes as if that wasn't a good enough idea.

-"and what gives you that idea." his question pointed towards alex.

-"nothing! just common in books and movies!" he answered defensively.

-"or maybe it's mating season." i snickered at my own joke.

-"hey! no, we are not going there." dariush shook his head disgusted.

dariush started a conversation about the key and why alex said he wasn't giving it to another adult, but I wasn't interested.

i looked over at gabriel, he had tears about to escape.

-"hey," i said quietly.

he was looking into the distance. i took hold of his hand. he looked down at me. i smiled.

-"before we do anything, we should get some food and some sleep if we can." zhenzhen interrupted the boys argument

-"what's up with chico?" dari asked.

-"this is my street."

-"great, we can find food at your home!" exclaimed alex.

-"it's my house, not my home." he whispered.

gabriel showed us to his house. it was a mess.

"man, i need to get my man, jacobi, up in here." dari mentioned.

"looters.." i whispered.

we were all seated on the floor, eating food and gabriel just finished his story about juvey, when an aircraft was heard outside.

zhenzhen lifted her finger over her mouth.

once the aircraft went by, zhenzhen spoke up.

-"you can't choose your family, but you can make a new one." we all smiled.

-"c'mon guys." she took a photo with all of us in it, zhenzhen, alex and i smiling, dari doing a funny face and gabriel kissing my cheek.

while zhenzhen and i were changing the boys were outside the room whispering.

-"sooo.." zhenzhen teased.

-"sooo.. what?" i chuckled.

-"you and gabriel?" i laughed at her childishness.

-"you and alex?" i mimicked her.

her cheeks flushed pink, and I giggled.

-"gotcha." i winked at her and we both laughed.

we walked out of the room after getting changed, the boys looked suspicious.

-"one of you can sleep with me." zhenzhen said, crawling into the bed.

-"yeah i don't mind." i didn't want to be a cockblock for alex

(wInK wOnK) (okay im done)

the boys rushed into the room like the alien was chasing them.

i laid on the single bed.

the boys argument was muffled by the door but i could still hear some things.

-"fine i won't block your cock. be free." I assumed was dariush.

i looked over at zhenzhen

-"boys." I rolled my eyes. she giggled and rolled over on her side and I did the same. facing away from the door.

i heard the door open and i closed my eyes. i felt an arm wrap around my waist.

i put my hand over theirs and turned to face them.

i stared into gabriels eyes and smile.

-"you're pretty cute up close." he whispered and my face when red.

-"sorry guys i forgot my sleep mask, so i might be snoring." gabriel looked confused at dariushs comment.

-"you have a snore mask? how old are you?"

-"shut up man." dari said as he got comfortable on the small couch.

gabriel held my waist tighter pulling me into him. i laid my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.

i smiled softly, remembering this moment for the rest of my life.

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